歌词 "If I Have To Be Alone" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

If I Have To Be Alone



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If I have to be alone 如果我也不会孤独

Then I should make my mind serene 然后,我应该让我的心平静

After all you're born alone, you die alone 毕竟你而生,你独自一人死亡

You might as well spend every moment in between alone 你可能也度过每一刻孤独的


But if I have to be alone 但是,如果我也不会孤独

Then it will be on my own terms 那么这将是对我自己的条件

I can never talk about it, ever show it 我从来不谈论它,永远表现出来

Even though the world is watching while I squirm alone 尽管全世界都在看着,而我独自局促不安


And your bleeding heart friends say, "isn't it sad?" 和你的心脏出血的朋友说, “是不是难过? ”

Then they go make love 然后,他们去做爱

While you go insane. insane! 当你去疯狂。疯了!

It drives you mad! mad! 它驱使你疯了!疯了!


My mind, I love my mind 我的心,我爱我的心

And if no one can feel the same 如果没有人能有同样的感觉

I'm a computer with a name 我是一个电脑名称

And I've got no one else to blame 和我有没有人责怪

If I have to be alone 如果我也不会孤独


And if nobody understands 如果没有人能理解

That special creature that is me 特别的动物,就是我

And if they fail to see the me I see 如果他们看不到我喔

Then no one else knows truly what it is 然后,没有人真正知道它是什么

To be alone 独处


Maybe once in a lifetime you lose your will 也许一生只有一次,你失去了你的意志

Then you can let down your guard 然后,你可以放下戒心

But they cower in fear. in fear. 但是,他们害怕地退缩了。在恐惧中。

It makes you ill! ill! 它让你生病!病了!


My heart, my burning heart 我的心脏,我的心脏燃烧

And if no one will quench the flame 如果没有人将骤冷焰

I'm not obliged to do the same 我没有义务这样做

And then they'll have to share the blame 然后,他们就必须分享责任

Because I have to be alone 因为我也不会孤独

Because I have to be alone 因为我也不会孤独

But I don't want to be alone 但我不想独自一人

歌词 If I Have To Be Alone 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/if-i-have-to-be-alone/

歌词 If I Have To Be Alone 的作者与版权信息:


Todd Rundgren


Humanoid Music, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.