歌词 "Too Much Time On My Hands" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Too Much Time On My Hands



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sitting on this barstool talking like a damn fool 坐在这个高脚凳像个该死的笨蛋说话

Got the twelve o'clock news blues 有十点钟新闻蓝调

And I've given up hope on the afternoon soaps 我已经放弃希望日下午肥皂

And a bottle of cold brew 和一瓶冷水冲泡

Is it any wonder I'm not crazy? Is it any wonder I'm sane at all 难怪我不是疯了?难怪我很理智可言

Well I'm so tired of losing- I got nothing to do and all day to do it 嗯,我太累了losing-我得到了一整天做无关和

I go out cruisin' but I've no place to go and all night to get there 我出去cruisin ,但我没有地方可去,并通宵到那里

Is it any wonder I'm not a criminal? 难怪我不是一个罪犯?

Is it any wonder I'm not in jail? 难怪我不是在监狱里?

Is it any wonder I've got 难道我有什么好奇怪


Too much time on my hands, it's ticking away with my sanity 太多的时间在我手中,它的​​滴答走了我的理智

I've got too much time on my hands, it's hard to believe such a calamity 我有太多的时间在我手中,你很难相信这样的灾难

I've got too much time on my hands and it's ticking away from me 我有太多的时间在我手中,这是从我滴答滴答走

Too much time on my hands, too much time on my hands 太多的时间在我手中,太多的时间在我手中

Too much time on my hands 太多的时间在我手中


Well, I'm a jet fuel genius - I can solve the world's problems 好吧,我是一个喷气燃料的天才 - 我可以解决世界上的问题

Without even trying 甚至没有尝试

I have dozens of friends and the fun never ends 我有几十个朋友,乐趣永远不会结束

That is, as long as I'm buying 也就是说,只要我买

Is it any wonder I'm not the president 难怪我不是总统

(He's not the president) (他是不是总统)

Is it any wonder I'm null and void? 难怪我是无效的?

Is it any wonder I've got 难道我有什么好奇怪


Too much time on my hands, it's ticking away at my sanity 太多的时间在我手中,它的​​滴答地走着,在我的理智

I've got too much time on my hands, it's hard to believe such a calamity 我有太多的时间在我手中,你很难相信这样的灾难

I've got too much time on my hands and it's ticking away from me 我有太多的时间在我手中,这是从我滴答滴答走

Too much time on my hands, too much time on my hands 太多的时间在我手中,太多的时间在我手中

Too much time on my hands 太多的时间在我手中

歌词 Too Much Time On My Hands 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/too-much-time-on-my-hands/

歌词 Too Much Time On My Hands 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:《Paradise Theater》
  • 专辑年份:1981
  • 专辑歌手:STYX
  • 类别:album
A.D. 1928
Rockin' The Paradise
Too Much Time On My Hands
Nothing Ever Goes As Planned
The Best Of Times
Lonely People
She Cares
Half-Penny, Two-Penny
A.D. 1958
  • 专辑年份:1984
  • 专辑歌手:STYX
  • 类别:album
Music Time
Mr. Roboto
Too Much Time On My Hands
The Best Of Times
Suite Madame Blue
Rockin' The Paradise
Blue Collar Man (Long Nights)
Miss America
Don't Let It End
Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man)
Crystal Ball
Come Sail Away
  • 专辑年份:1997
  • 专辑歌手:STYX
  • 类别:album
On My Way
A.D. 1928
Blue Collar Man (Long Nights)
Too Much Time On My Hands
Suite Madame Blue
Crystal Ball
Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man)
Show Me The Way
Boat On The River
Miss America
Come Sail Away
A.D. 1958
Dear John
The Champion
Victory Lap (Remix)
Buried Alive
Get Outta My Life
Master Song
Glory Hallelujah
Empty Hands
Haven't Told You
If You're Gone
Don't Be So Cold
The Glorious Unfolding
Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive
Every Man
Time To Party
Nine Carat Habit
I Was Made To Love Her
Don't Make Me Laugh
On & On
So Lost Without You
Passing Through
Come In From The Rain
Looking For Love
Old Number Seven
Greener With The Scenery
Gravity Of Love
Our Life