歌词 "Killing Me Inside" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Killing Me Inside



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Hook:] [钩: ]

You, never know 你永远不知道

How, much I love you 怎么样,多少我爱你

Try, and I try 试试,我试试

But I, just can't quit you 但我就是不能离开你

You killing me inside 你里面杀了我

But I, can't live without you 但是我的生活不能没有你

Oh, ohh you, never know 哦,哦,你,永远不知道


[Verse 1:] [诗歌1 : ]


I've been with you ever since I was a little boy 我已经跟你过,因为我是一个小男孩

Searching through cracker jack boxes to find that little toy 通过裂解装置插座盒搜索发现,小玩具

You bring me a little joy 你给我一点点的喜悦

But you will destroy me, eventually and feel no empathy 但你会毁了我,最后,感觉没有同情

I remember we first met, and about you I wasn't sure 我还记得我们第一次见面,和你我不知道

But you had this allure that kept me coming back for more 但是,你有这个魅力,使我再次回来的

You warned me upfront you was dangerous 你提醒了我前期你是危险的

Not to be tapered with the nail that my coffin would be hanging with 不要与我的棺材将被挂在钉子锥形

But I just figured it would be a short fling 但我只是想这将是一个短期一扔

And me and you parting ways, that would be a sure thing 我和你分道扬镳,这将是一个肯定的事

But your cling got so much stronger, it would go much longer than expected, far from in-expensive 但是你的保鲜有这么多强大,它会去远长于预期,远在贵

I think of all the money that I spent with you 我想所有的,我和你一起度过的钱

Especially on the days when the rent is due 特别是对天的时候,房租是由于

I'm gonna hit it til' the end of the year, and then I'm through 我会打它直到“今年年底,然后我通过

Aw who am I my pretending, I'm a ride til' the end of you 噢我是谁冒充我,我是骑直到你到底


[Hook] [钩]


[Verse 2:] [诗2: ]

Check it out yo 检查出来溜溜

It's a one sided relationship, and I'm spitin' from it 这是一种片面的关系,我spitin 从它

It doesn't helped that my mom never liked you one bit 它不帮我的妈妈从来没有喜欢过你一个位

She always warned me that you weren't the right type to run with 她总是警告我说,你是不是正确的类型与运行

The moments of pleasure ain't worth the type of life you come with 快乐的时刻是不值得的生活,你来与类型

In one out the other ear 在一出另一耳

Another year, another year, you're still fucking here 又过了一年,又一年,你他妈的还在这里

I love you dear but you fucking my career up 我爱你,亲爱的,但你他妈的我的职业生涯了

Bam, kick you out, celebrating, lift the beer up 巴姆,踢你出去庆祝,解除了啤酒

As soon as I'm drinking I'm desperate for your presence 当我喝,我渴望你的存在

And you're always close by, accessible in seconds 而你总是在附近,方便在几秒钟内

And your essence grips hold of me, then I go and pick you up 和你的本质交手抱我,那我走了接你

You Rick Roll me - I'm never gonna give you up 您里克卷我 - 我永远不会放弃你

I need you everyday, so bad I'll steady pay, any amount 我需要你每天都那么糟糕,我会稳定的收入,任何金额

You require to take my breath away 您需要给带走我的呼吸

Sickness and health, only in death do we parted 疾病和健康,只有在死亡将我们分开

Loving you, I wish I've never started 爱你,我想我从来没有开始

Damn 该死


[Hook] [钩]


Eyo, I saying man Eyo ,我说男人

You got something to ash in? 有几件事你在灰烬?

Oh cool, yea I gotta go outside and smoke a cigarette man 那太酷了,是啊,我得去外面抽烟的男人

I need to take a fucking break from this song 我需要一个他妈的休息一下这首歌

Fuck this song 他妈的这首歌

And fuck that bitch too... 他妈的那个婊子太...

歌词 Killing Me Inside 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/killing-me-inside-2/