歌词 "The Sound Of Settling" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Sound Of Settling



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I've got a hunger 我有一个饥饿

Twisting my stomach into knots 扭我的胃进入结

That my tongue was tied off 我的舌头打结


My brain's repeating 我的大脑的重复

"if you've got an impulse let it out" “如果你有一种冲动让出来”

But they never make it past my mouth. 但他们从来没有让过去的我的嘴。


Baa bah, this is the sound of settling 咩呸,这是解决的声音

Baa bah, baa bah 咩呸,呸咩

[x2] [X2]


Our youth is fleeting 我们的青春是短暂的

Old age is just around the bend 晚年就在弯

And i can't wait to go grey 我等不及去灰


And i'll sit and wonder 我会坐下来,不知道

Of every love that could've been 每一个爱可以一直的

If i'd only thought of something charming to say. 如果我只想到了什么迷人的说。


Baa bah, this is the sound of settling 咩呸,这是解决的声音

Baa bah, baa bah 咩呸,呸咩

[x4] [ X4 ]


I've got a hunger twisting my stomach into knots. 我有一个饥饿扭我的胃,进入海里。

歌词 The Sound Of Settling 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-sound-of-settling/