英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Transatlanticism 中的所有曲目
专辑 Transatlanticism 中的所有曲目:



类型: album

[English]The New Year

[English lyric] So this is the new year. And i don't feel any different. The clanking of crystal Explosions off in the distance (in the distance). So this is the new year And I have no ...

[中文对照] 因此,这是新的一年。 我不觉得有什么不同。 晶体的叮当声 关中的距离(距离)的爆炸。 因此,这是新的一年 我也没有决议 自我忏悔分配 ...


[English lyric] There's a tear in the fabric of your favorite dress And i'm sneaking glances. Looking for the patterns in static They start to make sense the longer i'm at it. Ivory lines lead ...

[中文对照] 有没有在你最喜欢的衣服的布料撕裂 而我偷偷的目光。 寻找在静态模式 他们开始变得有意义的时间越长我在这。 象牙色系领导 OO WHA浩OO WHA浩 ...

[English]Title and registration

[English lyric] The glove compartment is inaccurately named And everybody knows it. So i'm proposing a swift orderly change. Cause behind its door there's nothing to keep my fingers warm And ...

[中文对照] 手套箱被命名不准确 每个人都知道这一点。 所以我建议迅速有序转变。 造成其后面的门没有什么可以让我的手指温暖 和所有我看到的是,从更美好的时代纪念品 ...

[English]Expo '86

[English lyric] Sometimes i think this cycle never ends We slide from top to bottom and we turn and climb again And it seems by the time that i have figured what it's worth The squeaking of ...

[中文对照] 有时我想,这个循环不会结束 我们从顶部至底部滑动,并且我们打开和再次爬 它似乎被我想通它的价值的时间 我们对钢铁皮肤的尖叫声已经变得更糟。 ...

[English]The Sound Of Settling

[English lyric] I've got a hunger Twisting my stomach into knots That my tongue was tied off My brain's repeating "if you've got an impulse let it out" But they never make it past my mouth. ...

[中文对照] 我有一个饥饿 扭我的胃进入结 我的舌头打结 我的大脑的重复 “如果你有一种冲动让出来” 但他们从来没有让过去的我的嘴。 咩呸,这是解决的声音 咩呸,呸咩 ...

[English]Tiny Vessels

[English lyric] This is the moment that you know That you told her that you loved her but you don't. You touch her skin and then you think That she is beautiful but she don't mean a thing to ...

[中文对照] 这是你知道的那一刻 那你告诉她你爱她,但你没有。 你触摸她的皮肤,然后你觉得 她是美丽的,但她不意味着一件事给我。 ...


[English lyric] The Atlantic was born today and I'll tell you how... The clouds above opened up and let it out. I was standing on the surface of a perforated sphere When the water filled every ...

[中文对照] 大西洋是今天出生的,我会告诉你如何... 上面的云层打开了,发泄出来。 我站在一个多孔球体的表面上 当装满水的每一个孔。 和成千上万作出了海洋, ...

[English]Passenger Seat

[English lyric] I roll the window down And then begin to breathe in The darkest country road And the strong scent of evergreen From the passenger seat as you are driving me home. Then looking ...

[中文对照] 我摇窗下 然后开始呼吸 最黑暗的乡间小路 常绿的强烈气味 从乘客座位,你快把我回家。 然后向上看 I毒株我的眼睛,然后再试 告诉流星和卫星之间的差异 ...

[English]Death Of An Interior Decorator

[English lyric] You were the mother of three girls so sweet Who stormed through your turnstile And climbed to the street But after conception your body lay cold And withered through autumn and ...

[中文对照] 你是3个女孩的母亲如此甜蜜 谁通过你的十字转门冲进 爬到街上 但怀孕后你的身体躺在冰冷 并通过秋天枯萎,你发现自己老 你能告诉我为什么你一直这么伤心? ...

[English]We Looked Like Giants

[English lyric] God bless the daylight, the sugary smell of springtime Remembering when you were mine In a still suburban town When every thursday I'd brave those mountain passes And you'd ...

[中文对照] 上帝保佑白天,含糖气味的春天 当你是我的回忆 在静止的郊区小镇 当每个星期四我会勇敢的山口 而且你跳过你早课 我们会了解我们的身体是如何工作的。 ...

[English]A Lack Of Color

[English lyric] And when i see you I really see you upside down But my brain knows better It picks you up and turns you around Turns you around, turns you around If you feel discouraged That ...

[中文对照] 当我看到你 我真的看你倒 但我的大脑更好地了解 它拿起你和原来在你身边 打开你身边,变成你身边 如果你感到沮丧 ,有一个缺乏色彩在这里 请不要担心情人 ...