歌词 "Standing In The Light Of Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Standing In The Light Of Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I don't wanna get personal 我不想让个人

Why have you put me on the spot? 你为什么把我的位置?

I don't know how you feel 我不知道你的感受

But for me it's getting hard 但对我来说是越来越难

Swimming in the deep blue sea 游泳在深蓝色的大海

Marching in the big parade 行进在大巡游


All I need is a little shade 所有我需要的是一个小树荫

Standing in the light of love 站在爱的光芒

Standing in the light of love 站在爱的光芒


Doesn't matter who you are 不要紧,你是谁

Or who you're not 或者,你是不是谁

All it takes is a little love 只需要一点点的爱

To make a handout worth a lot 为了使五斗米折腰很值钱

Swimming in the deep blue sea 游泳在深蓝色的大海

Marching in the big parade 行进在大巡游


All I need is a little shade 所有我需要的是一个小树荫

Standing in the light of your love 站在你的爱之光

Standing in the light of love 站在爱的光芒


Drowning in the deep blue sea 淹没在深蓝色的大海

Drudging in the long parade 耐劳的长操


All I need is a little shade 所有我需要的是一个小树荫

Standing in the light of your love 站在你的爱之光

Standing in the light of love 站在爱的光芒


Standing in the light of love 站在爱的光芒

Standing in the light of love 站在爱的光芒

歌词 Standing In The Light Of Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/standing-in-the-light-of-love/

歌词 Standing In The Light Of Love 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
(When You're On) The Losing End
4-way Street Medley
After Berlin
Amber Jean
American Dream
Are You Passionate?
Back To The Country
Bad Fog Of Loneliness
Bad News
Barefoot Floors
Be With You
Better Than Silver And Gold
Big Parade
Big Room
Born To Run
Bright Sunny Day
Broken Arrow
Citizen Kane Jr. Blues
Color By Numbers
Come Along And Say You Will
Country Girl (Medley)
Crime Of The Heart
Dance, Dance, Dance
Day And Night We Walk These Aisles
Deep Forbidden Lake
Do I Have To Come Right Out And Say It
Don't Pity Me Babe
Don't Say You Love Me
Don't Say You Win, Don't Say You Lose
Don't Spook The Horse
Down Down Down
Down To The Wire
Dream Machine
Dream That Can Last
Drivin' Thunder
Evening Coconut
Everybody I Love You
Everybody's Alone
Expecting To Fly
Extra, Extra
Farm Aid Song
Farmer's Song
Feel Your Love
Find Another Shoulder
Flying On The Ground (Is Wrong)
Fonda Wanda
Fool For Your Love
Friend Of Mine
Gateway Of Love
Get Back To The Country
Give Me Strength
God's Perfect Plan
Goin' Home
Good Phone
Goodbye Dick
Greatest Song On Earth
Grey Riders
Guilty Train
Hawaiian Sunrise
Hello Lonely Woman
Hello Mr. Soul
High Heel Shoes
High School Graduation
Highway Of Our Love
Hillbilly Band
Hold You In My Arms
Honey, I Got The Blues
I Ain't Got The Blues
I Am A Child
I Wonder Why
I'm Goin'
I'm Just A Passenger
I'm Your Kind Of Guy
If You Got Love
In The Great Divide
In Tune With You
It Might Have Been
It's A Crime Of The Heart
It's So Hard To Wait
Keep On Rockin' In The Free World
Keep The Homefires Burning
Lady Wingshot
Last Of A Dying Breed
Last Of His Kind (The Farm Aid Song)
Leavin' The Top 40 Behind
Let Your Fingers Do The Walking
Let's Roll
Light Of Love
Live To Ride
Lonely Weekend
Looking Forward
Love Art Blues
Love Hotel
Love Is A Rose
Maui Mama
Modern World
Name Of Love
Natural Anthem
New Mama
Night Song
No One Seems To Know
Nothing Is Perfect
Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing
Oh Mother Earth
Old Hillbilly Band
On The Way Home
Once I Was In Love
One More Sign
Open Road
Out Of Control
Out Of My Mind
Out Of The Blue
Pictures In My Mind
Price That You Pay
Pushed It Over The End
Queen Of Them All
Railroad Town
Rainin' In Paradise
Rent Is Always Due
Road Of Plenty
Rock Rock Rock
Round And Round And Round
Run Around Babe
Sad Movies
Saturday Night
Sea Of Madness
Sell Out
Separate Ways
She's A Healer
Singer Without A Song
Sixty To Zero
So Tired
Something More Tame
Song Of Love
Soul Of A Woman
Spud Blues
Standing In The Light Of Love
Sugar Mountain
Sweet Joni
Thank God I'm On The Road Tonight
There Goes My Babe
This Old House
Till I Pass This Way Again
Time Off For Good Behavior
Two Old Friends
Walking After Midnight
War Song
We're Gonna Rock Forever
Welcome To The Big Room
Whatever Happened To Saturday Night
When I Hold You In My Arms
When It Falls, It Falls All Over You
Whiskey Boot Hill
Winter Winds
You're My Girl
Your Love
Your Love Again
Last Leaves Of Autumn
Tower Of Song
Cross The Line
Chain Lightning
Shining In The Moonlight
Tower Of Song
Auld Lang Syne (Millenium Mix)
Stand To The Side
Long Day
The Only Sounds
I Can't Make It Alone
Somehow, Somewhere, Someway
I Have Nothing
My Shoes Keep Walking Back To You
Ev'rything I've Got
He's Not Real
Actin' Up
Throw Dat
Lord Of The Wasteland
The Same Things
Run Dry
Capt. Midnight
My Drug Buddy