歌词 "Something So Right" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Something So Right



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You've got the cool water 你已经得到了冷却水

When the fever runs high 当发热高涨

And you've got the look of love right in your eyes 而且你的爱情就在你的眼睛

And I was in a crazy motion 我是一个疯狂的运动

'Till you calmed me down 直到你平静下来我


It took a little time 我花了一点时间

But you calmed me down 但是,你冷静下来我


Some people never say the words "I love you" 有些人从来不说的话“我爱你”

It's not their style to be so bold 这不是他们的风格是如此大胆

Some people never say the words "I love you" 有些人从来不说的话“我爱你”

But like a child they're longing to be told 但是,就像一个孩子,他们是渴望被告知


They've got a wall in China 他们有一堵墙在中国

It's a thousand miles long 这是一个千里长

To keep out the foreigners 为了保持出外国人

They made it strong 他们把它强

And I've got a wall around me 我已经得到了我周围的墙壁

That you can't even see 你甚至看不到


It took a little time 我花了一点时间

To get next to me 为了让我的旁边


If something goes worng, I'm the first to admit it 如果出现worng ,我是第一个承认这一点

The first to admit it - but the last one to know 第一个承认这一点 - 但最后一个知道

If something goes right, well, it's likely to lose me 如果出现合适的,那么,很可能失去我

It's apt to confuse me 这是容易混淆我

Because it's such an unusual sight, oh 因为它是这样一个不寻常的景象,呵呵

I can't get used to something so right 我不能习惯这样的东西的权利

Something so right 一些这样的权利


Some people never say the words "I love you" 有些人从来不说的话“我爱你”

It's not their style to be so bold 这不是他们的风格是如此大胆

Some people never say the words "I love you" 有些人从来不说的话“我爱你”

But like a child I'm longing to be told 但是,就像一个孩子,我渴望被告知


They've got a wall in China... 他们有一堵墙在中国...

And I've got a wall around me... 我已经得到了我周围的墙壁...

Yea 是啊


It took a little time 我花了一点时间

To get next to me 为了让我的旁边

歌词 Something So Right 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/something-so-right/

歌词 Something So Right 的作者与版权信息:


Paul Simon


Paul Simon Music