歌词 "Rat-Tat-Tat-Tat" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译


砰 - 达 - 达


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Nick asks Flo to invest in a casino Nick [尼克·弗洛要求投资于赌场尼克

has decided to launch, but Flo's money 已决定推出,但弗洛的钱

is tied up in his new show, so Fanny 被捆绑在他的新节目,让芬妮

becomes Nick's partner. Fanny is featured 成为尼克的合作伙伴。芬妮的特点是

in the new 1920 Ziegfeld Follies World War I tribute number:] 在新的1920齐格飞歌舞团第一次世界大战贡品数量: ]


[Eddie:] [艾迪: ]

Our boys went rat-tat-tat-tat, 我们的孩子去梆达达,

Rat-tat-tat-tat, 砰达达,

And shot the Kaiser where he sat-tat-tat-at. 并拍摄了皇帝,他坐在-TAT- TAT -AT 。

With every poppity-pop, 每poppity流行,

Some Kraut took a drop. 有些克劳特了下降。

American boys are all such straight shooters-- 美国男孩都是这样的直shooters--

We'll take care of him, Mother, 我们会照顾他,母亲,

When he comes home from the war. 当他回家的战争。

We'll take care of him, Mother, 我们会照顾他,母亲,

We'll do everything that you would do--yeah--and more. 我们将尽一切,你会做的 - 是的 - 以及更多。

Rat-tat-tat-tat, 砰达达,

We'll give their backs a big pat. 我们会给他们背上一大拍。

They deserve a future full of joys 他们应该有未来充满欢乐

'Cause they're our Yankee Doodle, 因为他们是我们的胜利之歌,

Yankee Doodle, 扬基歌,

Yankee Doodle, 扬基歌,

Doughboys. Doughboys 。

Company--Order--Arms--Roll Call-- 公司 - 订单 - 武器 - 滚动Call--

[Company:] [公司: ]

I'm Private Jones from Arkansas, 我是私人琼斯来自阿肯色州,

I'm Private Smith from Kansas, 我来自堪萨斯州的私人史密斯,

I'm Private Ryan from Maine, 我来自缅因州大兵瑞恩,

I'm Private Burke from Wisconsin, 我来自威斯康星州的私人伯克

I'm Private O'Brien from Texas, 我来自得克萨斯州的私人奥布莱恩,

I'm Private Muntz from Michigan, 我来自密歇根州的私人芒茨,

[Fanny:] [芬妮: ]

I'm Private Schvartz from Rock-a-way, 我是从岩石一程专用Schvartz ,

And I guess you heard reports 我猜你听到报告

That the Kaiser runs a block away 那皇帝运行一个街区之遥

When they tell him, here comes Schvartz, 当他们告诉他,这里来Schvartz ,

'Cause ven I get mad, believe it, Jack, 因为VEN我得到疯了,相信它,杰克,

Out from nowhere comes a maniac, 从无处来一个疯子,

A kick in the foot, 在脚踢,

A shot in the pants-- 在pants--一个镜头

I wouldn't give a second chance. 我不会给第二次机会。

Schvartz from Rock-a-way. Schvartz从岩一程。

[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Private Schwartz 私人施瓦茨

Private Schwartz 私人施瓦茨

Private Schwartz from Rock-a-way. 私人施瓦茨从岩一程。

[Fanny:] [芬妮: ]

I met Mademoiselle from Armentieres 我遇到的小姐ARMENTIERES

And my bagels gave a spin (oy, yoy), 我的面包圈给了一个旋( OY ,同比) ,

She said, Private Schvartz, 她说,私人Schvartz ,

Come closer, dear! 走近,亲爱的!

What a tzimmis I got in! 什么tzimmis我得到了!

Ven you're fighting for democracy, VEN你争取民主,

Call on Irving Schvartz and company, 呼吁欧文Schvartz和公司,

I'm through and through 我是通过和通过

Red, white and bluish, 红色,白色和蓝色,

I talk this way 我讲这样

Because I'm British. 因为我是英国人。

Tell Far Rock-a-way, don't pull the dock away, 告诉远石一程,不拉码头走,

'Cause sailing home is General Schvartz. 因为帆船运动家一般Schvartz 。

[All:] [全部: ]

Rat-ta ta ta ta tat, 鼠たたたた达,

We'll give their backs a big pat. 我们会给他们背上一大拍。

They deserve a great big medal 他们应该得到一个伟大的大勋章

And a loud huzzah, 和一个响亮的好哇,

Over here and over there 在这里和那里

You'll hear 你会听到

Rat-tat a tat tat, 砰à达达,

Rat-tat a tat tat, 砰à达达,

Rat tat a tat tat tat, 鼠达à达达达,

That's our Yankee Doodle, 这是我们的胜利之歌,

Yankee Doodle 扬基歌

Rat tat a tat tat tat 鼠达à达达达

Hurrah. 好哇。

歌词 Rat-Tat-Tat-Tat 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/rat-tat-tat-tat/