歌词 "The Right Regrets" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Right Regrets



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A writer has the empty page 一个作家有空白页

Where he can set the scene 在那里,他可以设置场景

He puts the actors on the stage 他把演员们在舞台上

Or on the movie screen 或电影屏幕上


The characters all say the words 人物所有说的话

The writer wants to hear 笔者希望听到

And then, my friend 然后,我的朋友

A happy end 幸福的终点


But when the writer steps outside 但是,当笔者走了出去

That room where he is king 那间,他为王

He can't control when lives collide 他无法控制时,生活发生冲突

Or what the lovers sing 或恋人唱什么


And so he hides behind his words 于是他躲在他的话

The one place he belongs 他所属的一个地方

And in black and white 而在黑色和白色

He can rewrite the wrongs 他可以改写错


Where he can find the strength to say 在那里,他可以找到力量的说

What those he loves should hear 他爱应该听听那些

And just erase mistakes she's made 而就消除错误,她的制作

Then make them disappear 然后,让他们消失


Where he can change the plot 在那里,他可以改变剧情

So he's a hero, not a louse 所以,他是一个英雄,而不是一个虱子

And when the curtain falls 而当大幕落下

There's not a dry eye in the house 有没有一个干眼的房子


A writer hopes to leave behind 作家希望能留下

A work no one forgets 一项工作没有人会忘记

And when he writes, "the end" 而当他写道,“底”

To find he has the right regrets 发现他有后悔权


A writer has the empty page 一个作家有空白页

Where he can use his pen 在那里,他可以用他的笔

To mend his heart 修补他的心脏

And try to start 并尝试启动

Again 同样

歌词 The Right Regrets 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-right-regrets/