歌词 "The 20th Century Fox Mambo" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The 20th Century Fox Mambo



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Marilyn:] [玛丽莲: ]

At Paramount it's "Ooh la la." 在派拉蒙它的“哦啦啦”。

The Warner Brothers' Cha cha cha. 华纳兄弟“嚓嚓嚓。

And L.B. Mayer loves his schmaltz, 和L.B.梅耶爱他的伤感,

So MGM made the great waltz. 所以米高梅取得的巨大华尔兹。

But the 20th Century Foxtrot 但20世纪狐步舞

It's precious, but precious! 这是宝贵的,但弥足珍贵!

It's not hot 它不热

To make the big boys hire me— 为了让大男孩雇用我 -

Please make that rhythm fiery. 请在节奏火热。


Come on, boy and girls, 来吧,孩子们,

Make me over! 让我过去!


In this factory 在这家工厂

Where dreams can come true, 凡梦想可以成真,

Are you ready 你准备好了吗

To make someone new? 为了让新的人?

You're the team 你的团队

That must teach me to do 必须教我做

The 20th Century Fox Mambo. 20世纪福克斯曼波。


Done the homework, 做了功课,

And I'll pass the test. 我会通过测试。

I'll do whatever 我会做什么

My teacher suggests— 我的老师suggests-

I can do it clothed 我能做到丰衣足食

Or undressed, 或脱衣服,

The 20th Century Fox Mambo. 20世纪福克斯曼波。


Make it up, 补回来,

Shake it up, 摇了起来,

Let the fantasies begin! 让幻想开始!

Here's the dope: 这里的涂料:

To get cast, 要获得投,

Change the past— 改变过去 -

Make the light 使光

Just right for sin. 恰到好处的罪。

Let's go! 我们走吧!


Take a gamble 赌一把

'Cause it's safe to bet. 因为它是安全的押注。

Mr. Zanick ain't seen nothing yet. Zanick先生是没有看到什么呢。

When we're finished 当我们完成

He'll never forget 他永远不会忘记

This 20th Century Fox. 这个20世纪福克斯。


[Ensemble:] [合奏: ]

For fame play her game, 对于成名她玩游戏,

Change your name 改变你的名字

To the 20th Century Fox 到了20世纪福克斯


Make it up, 补回来,

Shake it up. 摇了起来。


[Marilyn:] [玛丽莲: ]

Make me feel 让我觉得

Like the main attraction. 喜欢的主要景点。

Change the clothes, 换的衣服,

Fix the nose, 修复了鼻子,

And then 5, 6, 7, 8, 然后5,6, 7,8,

Action! 行动!


[Ensemble:] [合奏: ]

Action! 行动!


[Marilyn:] [玛丽莲: ]

Now I'm blonde, 现在我是金发碧眼,

But I ain't so dumb. 不过,我也不是那么愚蠢。


[Ensemble:] [合奏: ]

No! 不!


[Marilyn:] [玛丽莲: ]

Hollywood will be 好莱坞将

Under my thumb. 在我的拇指。


[Ensemble:] [合奏: ]

Yes! 是的!


[Marilyn:] [玛丽莲: ]

I'll change partners 我会改的合作伙伴

Until I become 直到我成为

Your 20th Centurty Fox 你20 Centurty福克斯

Mambo! 曼波!

歌词 The 20th Century Fox Mambo 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-20th-century-fox-mambo/

歌词 The 20th Century Fox Mambo 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:《The Music Of Smash》
  • 专辑年份:2012
  • 专辑歌手:SMASH CAST
  • 类别:soundtrack
Touch Me
Who You Are
Crazy Dreams
Haven't Met You Yet
Shake It Out
Brighter Than The Sun
Let Me Be Your Star
The 20th Century Fox Mambo
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Let's Be Bad
History Is Made At Night
  • 专辑年份:2013
  • 专辑歌手:SMASH CAST
  • 类别:soundtrack
Let Me Be Your Star (Extended Intro)
At Your Feet
Never Give All The Heart
The 20th Century Fox Mambo
The National Pastime
History Is Made At Night
I Never Met A Wolf Who Didn't Love To Howl
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Don't Say Yes Until I Finish Talking
On Lexington & 52nd Street
Cut, Print...Moving On
Public Relations
Dig Deep
Second Hand White Baby Grand
They Just Keep Moving The Line
Let's Be Bad
The Right Regrets
(Let's Start) Tomorrow Night
Our Little Secret
Hang The Moon
Don't Forget Me
The Red Fox
Fox Chase
The Temple Of The King
Baller Bitch
Tables Will Turn
The Fox And The Hound
Wanna Be G's
Crazy Like A Fox
The Fox
Last Days Of The Century
Miss Me
Them There Eyes
U Don't Want Dat
Don't Throw Your Life Away
Sky Is The Limit
Love Has A Diameter
Thoughts From A Balcony
Star Baby
Embrace Me (Wippenberg Remix)
Let Me Show You The Way (Out)
Just Me And My Vocals
Mona Lisa
Hit Somebody! (The Hockey Song)
What's Going On?
D Is For Dangerous
Drunk In The Woods
Last Bayou