歌词 "Somethin' 'Bout A Boat" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Somethin' 'Bout A Boat



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Somethin' 'bout a boat 事端回合船

Sittin' on the sea 海上坐在“

Out there in the wind 在外面的风

Floatin' on the free 在自由莲花灯“

Take you 'round the world 带你“环游世界

Bring you back home 带你回家

Gives a man hope 给一个人的希望

Somethin' 'bout a boat 事端回合船


Somethin' 'bout an old guitar 事端回合的老吉他

And the way it still sings 而它的方式仍然唱

After all the smokey bars 所有烟熏的酒吧后

And the broken strings 和断了的弦

Played a million songs 玩过一百万首歌曲

Broke a lot of hearts 打破了很多的心

Made some people stars 令一些人明星

Somethin' 'bout an old guitar 事端回合的老吉他


Ain't it crazy how somethin' 是不是很疯狂吗事端

Seems like nothin' at all 好像没什么可言

Take a big old room 有一个大的旧房间

Make it seem so small 使它看起来那么小

Seein' windows where there are walls 看见的“Daddy窗户那里有墙

Makes a whole lot of something 做了一大堆的事

Out of nothin' at all 出没什么的可言


Somethin' 'bout your dog 事端回合你的狗

Sittin' by your side 正坐在你的身边

If you had a bad day 如果你有一个糟糕的一天

She ain't gonna run and hide 她是不会运行和隐藏

Just a-waggin' that tail 只是, waggin 尾巴

Grinnin' that grin 的笑着说眉开眼笑

Somethin' 'bout my dog 事端回合我的狗

Makes her my best friend 使她我最好的朋友


Ain't it crazy how somethin' 是不是很疯狂吗事端

Seems like nothin' at all 好像没什么可言

Take a big old room 有一个大的旧房间

Make it seem so small 使它看起来那么小

Seein' windows where there are walls 看见的“Daddy窗户那里有墙

Makes a whole lot of something 做了一大堆的事

Out of nothin' at all 出没什么的可言


Makes a whole lot of something 做了一大堆的事

Out of nothin' at all 出没什么的可言


Somethin' 'bout a dog 事端布特狗

Somethin' 'bout an old guitar 事端回合的老吉他

Somethin' 'bout a boat 事端回合船

That gives a man hope 这给了一个男人的希望

歌词 Somethin' 'Bout A Boat 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/somethin_-_bout-a-boat/