歌词 "Love Isn't Just For The Young" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Love Isn't Just For The Young



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Love isn't just for the young, 爱情不只是年轻人,

It's for all who may wish upon a star, 这是所有谁可以向星星许愿,

Love isn't just for the young, 爱情不只是年轻人,

For true love doesn't ask how old you are. 对于真正的爱情不会问你多大了。

Doesn't matter if you're twenty or ninety two, 如果你无所谓20或92 ,

You only need a heart to share, 你只需要一个心脏分享,

Then of course you need someone who feels like you, 那么你当然需要有人谁感觉就像是你,

And who answers every dream and prayer. 又是谁回答每一个梦想和祈祷。

Love isn't just for the young, 爱情不只是年轻人,

Never fear, let the whole world know it's spring. 不要害怕,让全世界都知道它的春天。

For love isn't just for the young, 对于爱情不只是年轻人,

And there's, oh, so much joy that it can bring. 还有的,哦,这么多的快乐,它可以带来。

Yes, the gold may have turned to silver, 是的,黄金可能已经转向白银,

But if you still have songs left unsung, 但是,如果你还有剩下的歌曲幕后,

Just remember that love is for everyone, 请记住,爱是每个人,

Love isn't just for the young. 爱情不只是年轻人。


[musical interlude] [音乐插曲]


But if you still have songs left unsung, 但是,如果你还有剩下的歌曲幕后,

Just remember that love is for everyone, 请记住,爱是每个人,

Love isn't just for the young. 爱情不只是年轻人。

歌词 Love Isn't Just For The Young 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/love-isn_t-just-for-the-young/