英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Soundtrack To The Struggle 中的所有曲目
专辑 Soundtrack To The Struggle 中的所有曲目:

Soundtrack To The Struggle


类型: album

[English]Soundtrack To The Struggle

[English lyric] [Intro: Lowkey] It's been a long time coming Too long Too long It's been in the making a quarter century But it's here now It's here now If by the time you hear this album I'm ...

[中文对照] [简介:低调] 这是一个漫长的时间来 太长 太长 它已经在做了四分之一世纪 但它现在在这里 这是现在在这里 如果到时候你听到这张专辑 我不是在这里 ...

[English]Too Much

[English lyric] [Intro: Lauryn Hill] If you down with the rich man, and that can be rich in anything, Don't you take too much, If you laugh at a poor man, and that can be poor in anything, ...

[中文对照] [简介:劳伦希尔] 如果打倒了富人,而且可以丰富的东西, 难道你不带太多, 如果你笑一个贫穷的人,那可差什么, 难道你不笑太多, ...

[English]Voices Of The Voiceless

[English lyric] [Lowkey] From West 10 to the West Bank, I write righteous rhymes with my right and wrestle the devil with my left hand, Never work for a Zionist, never been a yes man, My art ...

[中文对照] [低调] 从西10至西岸, 我写押韵正义与我的权利和搏斗魔鬼与我的左手, 从来没有工作了犹太复国主义,从来不是一个唯唯诺诺的人, ...

[English]Hand On Your Gun

[English lyric] [Intro:] This one is dedicated to the suit-wearing arms dealers To the champagne-sipping depleted uranium droppers [Hook:] Keep your hand on your gun Don't you trust anyone ...

[中文对照] [简介: ] 这一次是专门为西装穿军火商 到香槟品尝贫化铀滴管 [钩: ] 保持你的手放在你的枪 难道你不相信任何人 保持你的手放在你的枪 ...

[English]Skit 1

[English lyric] What Malcolm X said when he got silenced by Elijah Mohammed was in fact true: America's chickens... are coming home to roost. We took this country by terror, away from the ...

[中文对照] 什么马尔科姆X说,当他得到了沉默以利亚穆罕默德,其实是真实的:美国的鸡......都是回家要自食其果。 ...


[English lyric] [Intro:] So, We must ask ourselves, What is the dictionary definition of "Terrorism"? The systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion But what is terror? ...

[中文对照] [简介: ] 因此,我们必须问自己,什么是“恐怖主义”的字典定义是什么? 该系统的使用恐怖手段尤其是胁迫的手段 但是,什么是恐怖? ...

[English]Something Wonderful

[English lyric] Something wonderful... To chase it all away For the women of the world, because women are the world Mixing my emotions... to close the bad again I'm just letting you know... ...

[中文对照] 神奇... 追了这一切 对于世界上的女人,因为女人是世界 混合我的情绪...关闭再坏 我只是让你知道... 我tryna是一个很好的人,我不能代表其他人 ...


[English lyric] [Intro:] This one is dedicated to the dreamers Most people see things that are there and ask why Dreamers, see things that aren't there and ask why not I'm dreamin' with you ...

[中文对照] [简介: ] 这一次是专门为梦想家 大多数人看到的东西,在那里,问为什么 梦想家,看到的东西是不存在,问为什么不 我作梦与你 [诗歌1 : ] ...

[English]Obama Nation

[English lyric] [Intro:] This track is not an attack upon the American people It is an attack upon the system within which they live Since 1945 the united states has attempted to Overthrow ...

[中文对照] [简介: ] 这条赛道是不是在美国人民的攻击 这是他们生活中,系统在攻击 自1945年以来,美国一直试图 推翻50余外国政府 ...

[English]The Cradle Of Civilization

[English lyric] If my mother got angry or frustrated with me, she'd say... ... and the basic translation of that is "Oh, how beautiful is freedom" But where is freedom? Close my eyes, I can ...

[中文对照] 如果我的母亲很生气或沮丧和我在一起,她会说... ......以及,基本的翻译是:“哦,多么美丽的自由” 但如果是自由? ...

[English]Blood, Sweat And Tears

[English lyric] [Verse 1: Klashnekoff] As lightning strikes and thunder pounds, Over the grey skies of East London town, Prophecy K returns from the underground, Signified by the peoples ...

[中文对照] [诗歌1 : Klashnekoff ] 由于闪电和雷声斤, 在东伦敦城的灰色的天空, 预言ķ从地下返回, 由人民哭了,小号的声音所指, ...

[English]Everything I Am

[English lyric] [Hook:] Everything I am, and everything I want to be I put it in your hands, you could open up to me Everything I am, and everything I want to be I put it in your hands, you ...

[中文对照] [钩: ] 我所有的一切,一切我想要 我把它放在你的手中,你可以打开给我 我所有的一切,一切我想要 我把它放在你的手中,你可以打开给我 ...

[English]Long Live Palestine

[English lyric] This is for Palestine, Ramallah, West Bank, Gaza, This is for the child that is searching for an answer, I wish I could take your tears and replace them with laughter, Long ...

[中文对照] 这是巴勒斯坦拉马拉,西岸,加沙地带, 这对于正在寻找答案的孩子, 我希望我可以把你的眼泪,他们的笑声取代, 万岁巴勒斯坦万岁加沙! ...

[English]We Will Rise

[English lyric] [Verse 1:] Is it just dream?, Am I a fool for trying? I stand defiant but my enemy's the tallest giant, Will visions be reality? they tell me never, I wanna feel the unity that ...

[中文对照] [诗歌1 : ] 难道只是梦想?,我是一个傻瓜,想? 我站在反抗,但我的敌人是最高的巨人, 将愿景成为现实?他们告诉我,从来没有, ...

[English]My Soul

[English lyric] [Intro:] No souls to sell here mate... They say The fool thinks himself to be wise man, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. I say that, to say this... [Chorus:] You ...

[中文对照] [简介: ] 没有灵魂在这里卖队友... 他们说,蠢人则以为自己是聪明人,但聪明人知道自己是个傻瓜。 我说,说这... [合唱: ] ...

[English]Skit 6

[English lyric] I tried hard to be proud of my service, but all I could feel was shame. Racism could no longer mask the reality of the occupation. These were people, these were human beings. ...

[中文对照] 我努力做我的服务而感到自豪,但我能感觉到是耻辱。 种族主义再也无法掩盖了被占领的事实。 这些都是人,这些都是人类。 ...

[English]The Butterfly Effect

[English lyric] [Hook: Adrian] If you could go back, what would you change What would you do again ever would remain the same What would you give, and what would you keep What would you take, ...

[中文对照] [钩:阿德里安] 如果你能回到过去,你会改变什么 你会怎么做又不断将保持不变 你会放弃,而你会继续 你会怎么走,而且你会离开 [重复] [诗歌1 : ] ...

[English]Obama Nation (Pt. 2)

[English lyric] [Hook:] I don't, I don't want no, Obama, Obama nation (abomination) I'm not gonna, vote for your inauguration Cause I don't need your, Obama, Obama nation (abomination) I'm not ...

[中文对照] [钩: ] 我不,我不想要,奥巴马,奥巴马的国家(憎恶) 我不会,投票给你的就职典礼 因为我不需要你,奥巴马,奥巴马的国家(憎恶) 我不会 ...

[English]Dear England

[English lyric] [Chorus:] Whoa, give me the words, give me the words That tell me nothing Dear England, Whoa, give me the words, give me the words That tell me nothing [Verse 1:] They say God ...

[中文对照] [合唱: ] 哇,给我的话,给我的话 告诉我什么 亲爱的英格兰, 哇,给我的话,给我的话 告诉我什么 [诗歌1 : ] 他们说,上帝保佑女王, ...


[English lyric] [Chorus: Mai Khalil] I can feel you here, watchin' me Whispers that I hear are haunting me I can feel you here, watchin' me Whispers that I hear are haunting me Feel it in the ...

[中文对照] [合唱:麦方大同] 我能感觉到你在这里,凝视着\'我 我听到都纠缠着我耳语 我能感觉到你在这里,凝视着\'我 我听到都纠缠着我耳语 感觉到它在空中 ...

[English]Million Man March

[English lyric] [Intro:] You might take my life But you can't take my soul You can't take my soul You might take my freedom But you can't take my soul You can't take my soul [Verse 1:] Whether ...

[中文对照] [简介: ] 你可能会夺去我的生命 但你不能把我的灵魂 你不能把我的灵魂 你可能会拿我的自由 但你不能把我的灵魂 你不能把我的灵魂 [诗歌1 : ] ...