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context-free language相关的网络例句

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与 context-free language 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Language use is closely related to cultural context, for the use of language can not be detached from it.


In this course, he wasn't restricted the ready-made theories of Empson etc, but testified the characteristics of Chinese poetry language adequately by combining the studies of language with the studies of social context and cultural tradition.


A rich film library can provide us information on the history, society, culture, tradition, geography, nature, economy, and politics of English-speaking countries, helping expand the content of teaching and knowledge base. A real-life process of language interaction can also help give students exposure to the natural language in a social context. Lively stories and artistic performance can make comprehension easier.


Subjects and measures The present study replicates, in as broad a context as possible, the earlier studies (Edwards, et al., 1984; Kasper, 1994) of subjectmatter language teaching compared to traditional second-language teaching in college.

科目和措施本研究复制,在广阔的背景下,作为可能的情况下,早先的研究(爱德华兹等人, 1984年;卡斯帕枢机, 1994年)的subjectmatter语文教学相比,传统的第二语言教学在大学。

The meaning of a language is not only established by its lexis and grammar, but also by its language environment----context.


In order to understand the statements on language made by the Greek philosophers, it is essential to give an idea of the context in which they were made and briefly describe the evolution of the meaning of the two everrecurring terms nomos and physis in which language was to be discussed.

为了了解希腊哲学家对语言所做出的陈述,对於去了解他们针对语言所讨论到两个重复出现的术语 nomos and physis 的意义是很重要的。

The lang function returns true or false depending on whether the language of the context node as specified by xml:lang attributes is the same as or is a sublanguage of the language specified by the argument string.

Lang 函数判断上下文节点通过 xml:lang 属性制定的语言是否和参数字符串指定语言相同或是其子语言。

According to the author, the so-called "private language argument" which appears in Philosophische Untersuchungen can only be fruitfully understood in the context of Wittgenstein's critique of the "phenomenological language" which appears in The Big Typescript and which essentially constitutes the prototype of the former.


The characters of inflecting languages are studied in this thesis. An inflecting language oriented context-sensitive morphological analysis approach is presented. In this approach, not only formation, but also syntactic and semantic features are distinguished. Further more, the context in which a word appears is also considered.


The theory of context was put forward by Bronislaw Malinowski. He thought thatlanguage and context were closely related; language cannot be understood withoutcontext.


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