歌词 "Sitting Still" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Sitting Still



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

This name I got we all agreed 这个名字我得到了大家一致同意

She could stop, stop it well rid 她停下来,停得很好摆脱

We could bind it in the sist- 我们可以在sist-绑定

We could gather, throw a fit 我们可以收集,大发雷霆


Up to par and Katie bars the kitchen signs but not me in 达到标准和凯蒂酒吧厨房的迹象,但不是我的

Set a trap for love, big kill 设置爱情陷阱,大杀

Don't waste your time sitting still 不要浪费你的时间静坐


I'm the sun and you can read 我在阳光,你可以阅读

I'm the sign and you're not deaf 我的标志,你不是聋子

We could bind it in the sist- 我们可以在sist-绑定

We could gather, throw a fit 我们可以收集,大发雷霆


Up to par and Katie bars the kitchen signs but not me in 达到标准和凯蒂酒吧厨房的迹象,但不是我的

Set a trap for love, big kill 设置爱情陷阱,大杀

Don't waste your time sitting still 不要浪费你的时间静坐

I can hear you 我能听到你

I can hear you 我能听到你

I can hear you 我能听到你


This name I got we all agree 这个名字我得到了大家都同意

She could stop, stop it well rid 她停下来,停得很好摆脱

We could bind it in the sist- 我们可以在sist-绑定

We could gather, throw a fit 我们可以收集,大发雷霆


Up to par and Katie bars the kitchen signs but not me in 达到标准和凯蒂酒吧厨房的迹象,但不是我的

Set a trap for love, big kill 设置爱情陷阱,大杀

Don't waste your time sitting still 不要浪费你的时间静坐

I can hear you 我能听到你

I can hear you 我能听到你

I can hear you 我能听到你


You can gather when I talk, talk until you're blue 您可以收集,当我说话,说话,直到你蓝

You could get away from me, get away from me 你可以离开我,离我远


I'm up to par and Katie bars the kitchen signs but not me in 我达到标准和凯蒂酒吧厨房迹象,但不是我的

Set a trap for love, big kill 设置爱情陷阱,大杀

Don't waste your time sitting still 不要浪费你的时间静坐

I can hear you 我能听到你

I can hear you 我能听到你

I can hear you 我能听到你


I can hear you 我能听到你

I can hear you 我能听到你

I can hear you 我能听到你

Can you hear me 你能听到我吗

歌词 Sitting Still 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/sitting-still/

歌词 Sitting Still 的作者与版权信息:


Bill Berry, Michael Stipe, Michael Mills, Peter Buck


Night Garden Music