歌词 "Me And The Wind" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Me And The Wind



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Me and the wind are celebrating your loss 我和风力都在庆祝自己的损失

Me and the wind are pulling kites and pushing tress 我风是拉风筝,推动树木

Me and the wind are celebrating your loss 我和风力都在庆祝自己的损失

Me and the wind are feeling freer than air should ever be 我和风力都感觉更自由的空气比以往任何时候都应该是

Should ever be should ever be should ever 应该永远是应该永远都不应


And when you lured me into your syrup 当你引诱我进入你的药水

All I could think of was what a lovely way for me to go 所有我能想到的是一个多么可爱的方式为我去

I never really realised that 我从来没有真正意识到,


Just like the struggling summer flies that 就像夏天挣扎的苍蝇

I was drowning no matter how sweet or how slow 我被淹死无论多么甜蜜,或多么慢


Have I been such a fool 我一直是这样的傻瓜

Have I been sitting on your stool 难道我一直坐在你的大便

While you cracked the whip 当你破译了鞭

While you cracked the whip 当你破译了鞭


I danced imprisoned in your drumbeat í跳起囚禁在你的鼓声

Your tune of spring had me whirling like a mad march 你春天的曲调让我婆娑像个疯子游行

Merry hare 快乐的兔子

It never really came to mind that 它从来没有真正来到介意


The strings of your instrument were strangling me 乐器的琴弦被扼杀了我

Inside their snare 在他们的圈套


Have I been such a fool 我一直是这样的傻瓜

Have I been sitting on your stool 难道我一直坐在你的大便

While you held the hoop 当你持有的箍

While you held the hoop 当你持有的箍


Now that I'm out and I'm shouting in doorways 现在我走了,我喊在门口

Freed from a love more like murder 从爱情更像是谋杀被释放

I should be singing but in liberation 我要唱歌,但在解放

Feel like a ship with no rudder 感觉就像一艘没有舵


Me and the wind are celebrating your loss 我和风力都在庆祝自己的损失

Have I been such a fool 我一直是这样的傻瓜

歌词 Me And The Wind 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/me-and-the-wind/