歌词 "I Wouldn't Have You Any Other Way" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Wouldn't Have You Any Other Way



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You're so diff'rent from anyone i've ever known 你这么diffrent从任何人,我所知道的

And to try to change you now, would be all wrong. 并试图改变现在你就完全错了。

Sometimes i don't understand ev'rything you say, 有时候我不明白evrything你说,

But i wouldn't have you any other way. 但我不会让你任何其他方式。


I wouldn't want you if you weren't you, 我不会要你,如果你不你,

And i'll admit, i don't understand half the things you do. 我得承认,我不明白一半你做的事情。

Sometimes i don't go along with things you say and do, 有时候我不走的东西,你说的和做的,

But i wouldn't have you any other way. 但我不会让你任何其他方式。


I wouldn't want you if you weren't you, 我不会要你,如果你不你,

And i'll admit, i don't understand half the things you do. 我得承认,我不明白一半你做的事情。

Sometimes i don't go along with things you say and do, 有时候我不走的东西,你说的和做的,

But i wouldn't have you any other way. 但我不会让你任何其他方式。


Sometimes i don't go along with things you say and do, 有时候我不走的东西,你说的和做的,

But i wouldn't have you any other way. 但我不会让你任何其他方式。

歌词 I Wouldn't Have You Any Other Way 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-wouldn_t-have-you-any-other-way/