歌词 "I Do Now" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Do Now



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I never knew how people wound up in a bar 我从来不知道人们是如何缠绕在酒吧

In the middle of the day 在一天的中间

Broken souls or broken lives 破碎的灵魂或折断的生活

From the choices that they made 从他们所做的选择

I didn't know how much I had to lose 我不知道我有多么已经失去

When I threw it all away 当我把一切都带走


But I do now, I do now 但是我现在做的,我现在做的

Oh, I'd give anything 哦,我愿意付出一切

If I could just go back in time somehow 如果我能回到过去以某种方式

I wouldn't break your heart, 我不会破坏你的心脏,

I wouldn't break those vows 我不会打破这些誓言

If I could lift that veil and look you in the eye 如果我能举起的面纱,看看你的眼睛

And say I do now 说我现在做的


Standing before God and all our friends 上帝和所有的朋友面前站立

In that little church 在那个小教堂

Barely listening to a thing that preacher said 几乎没有听的事情是传道人说:

Just repeating every word 只是在重复每一个字

I didn't have a clue what it all meant 我没有什么线索这一切意味着

But girl, for what it's worth 但女孩,对于它的价值


I do now, I do now 我现在做的,我现在做的

Oh, I'd give anything 哦,我愿意付出一切

If I could just go back in time somehow 如果我能回到过去以某种方式

I wouldn't break your heart, 我不会破坏你的心脏,

I wouldn't break those vows 我不会打破这些誓言

If I could lift that veil and look you in the eye 如果我能举起的面纱,看看你的眼睛

And say I do now 说我现在做的


I wouldn't break your heart, 我不会破坏你的心脏,

I wouldn't break those vows 我不会打破这些誓言

If I could lift that veil and look you in the eye 如果我能举起的面纱,看看你的眼睛

And say I do now 说我现在做的

歌词 I Do Now 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-do-now-2/