歌词 "Meet Me At The Corner" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Meet Me At The Corner



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Please don't ask me who, who you think I am, 请不要问我是谁,你以为我是谁,

I could live without that, I'm just a modest man. 我也活不下去了,我只是一个谦虚的人。

Meet me at the corner and oh, tell me what to do. 迎接我在角落里,哦,告诉我该怎么做。


Cause I'm messed up on you, and had I known all that I do now, 因为我搞砸了你,而我已经知道一切,我现在要做的,

I'm guessing we're thru now, 我猜我们是通了,

Receding into the forest, I will lay around and wait, 后退到森林里,我会躺在身边,等待,

And I'll wait for you. 我会等你的。


Please don't ask me where, where you think I've been, 请不要问我在哪里,在哪里你觉得我一直,

I've been a lot of places, but this could be my win. 我去过很多地方,但是这可能是我赢。

Meet me at the corner where I'll, tell me what to do. do. 迎接我在角落里,我会告诉我该怎么做。做。

Cause I'm messed up on you, and had I known all that I do now, 因为我搞砸了你,而我已经知道一切,我现在要做的,

I'm guessing we're thru now, 我猜我们是通了,

Receding into the forest, I will lay around and wait, 后退到森林里,我会躺在身边,等待,

And I'll wait for you. 我会等你的。


I feel so bad, I thought you'd wanna know, 我觉得这样不好,我以为你会想知道,

I feel so bad, I thought you'd wanna know, 我觉得这样不好,我以为你会想知道,

Something I wanna show, I thought you ought to know. 这是我想表演,我想你应该知道。


Please don't say you want to keep in touch out there, 请不要说你想保持联系在那里,

To see you on the corner, that I just can't bare. 看到你的角落,我只是不能忍受。

Meet me at the corner and oh, tell me what to do. 迎接我在角落里,哦,告诉我该怎么做。


Cause I'm messed up on you, and had I known all that I do now, 因为我搞砸了你,而我已经知道一切,我现在要做的,

I'm guessing we're thru now, 我猜我们是通了,

Receding into the forest, I will lay around and wait, 后退到森林里,我会躺在身边,等待,

And I'll wait for you. 我会等你的。


Hey I turn, I turn my head when I thought I saw a sign from the gods, 嘿,我转,我把我的头,当我以为我看到的迹象,从神,

A sign from the gods that you weren't meant to be mine, and it's fine, 从你注定不会是我的神的标志,并且它的罚款,

Taking it all for a ride 'til the day when it's gone, 采取一切兜风,直到有一天它消失了,

Mystified by where, it all went wrong when it's gone, 受迷惑的地方,这一切都变了,当它走了,

I live and I learn and I lose and I win, but it's better whenever, 我住,我​​学习,我失去的,我赢了,但它的更好的时候,

Whenever I'm in, thank you girl for everywhere that I've been. 每当我在,无处不在,我一直感谢你的女孩的。

歌词 Meet Me At The Corner 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/meet-me-at-the-corner/

歌词 Meet Me At The Corner 的作者与版权信息:


Anthony Kiedis, Chad Smith, Michael Balzary, Josh Adam Klinghoffer


Wagging Dog Tail Music, Earl Grey Songs