英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Dilate 中的所有曲目
专辑 Dilate 中的所有曲目:



类型: album

[English]Untouchable Face

[English lyric] think i'm going for a walk now i feel a little unsteady i don't want nobody to follow me 'cept maybe you i could make you happy you know if you weren't already i could do a lot ...

[中文对照] 现在想想,我出去散步 我觉得有点不稳 我不希望任何人来跟着我 \'概念也许你 我可以让你快乐,你知道 如果你没有 我可以做很多事情 而我呢 ...

[English]Outta Me, Onto You

[English lyric] no no no no no no no no no no no no no more no no no no no no no no no no no no no more no no no no more it's gonna be sudden it's gonna be strange i'm gonna turn on a dime ...

[中文对照] 无无无无无无无无无无无无 不再 无无无无无无无无无无无无 不再 无无无 不再 这会是突然的 这会是奇怪的 我在一毛钱会转弯 给你五毛钱的变化 这会是漫长 ...


[English lyric] sleepwalking through the all-nite drugstore baptized in flourescent light i found religion in the greeting card aisle now i know hallmark was right and every pop song on the ...

[中文对照] 通过全黑夜药店梦游 受洗的荧光灯光 我发现宗教在贺卡过道 现在我知道标志是正确的 并在每一个电台流行歌曲 突然对我说话 是的,艺术可以模仿生活 ...


[English lyric] life used to be life-like now it's more like showbiz i wake up in the night and i don't know where the bathroom is and i don't know what town i'm in or what sky i am under and ...

[中文对照] 生活曾经是栩栩如生 现在它更像是娱乐圈 我在夜间醒来 我不知道在哪里的浴室 我不知道我在城里什么 或者我是在什么样的天空 我在黑暗中,我醒来 ...

[English]Amazing Grace

[English lyric] amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me i once was lost but now i'm found was blind but now i see 'twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace that ...

[中文对照] 奇异恩典 多么甜蜜的声音 拯救了像我这般无助 有一次,我失去了 但现在我发现 是盲目的,但现在我看到 那时还恩典,使 我的心脏害怕 和恩典敬畏放心 ...


[English lyric] they told you your music could reach millions that the choice was up to you you told me they always pay for lunch and they believe in what i do and i wonder if you miss your ...

[中文对照] 他们告诉你,你的音乐 可能达到数百万 该选择是由你决定 你告诉我,他们总是 支付午餐 他们相信我做什么 我不知道 如果你错过了你的老朋友 ...


[English lyric] i cannot name this i cannot explain this and i really don't want to just call me shameless i can't even slow this down let alone stop this and i keep looking around but i ...

[中文对照] 我不能说出这 我无法解释这 我真的不想 就叫我无耻 我什至不能慢下来 更不用说制止这种 我不断环顾四周 但我不能顶这个 如果我有任何意义 我想我会担心这 ...

[English]Done Wrong

[English lyric] the wind is ruthless the trees shake angry fingers at the sky the people hunch their shoulders hold their collars over their earsand run by it's a cold rain it's a hard rain ...

[中文对照] 风是无情 树上摇手指愤怒的天空 人们预感自己肩上 持有其衣领对其earsand跑了 这是一个寒冷的雨 这是一个大雨 这样你会发现歌曲中的那种 ...

[English]Going Down

[English lyric] you can't get through it you can't get over it you can't get around just like in a dream you'll open your mouth to scream and you won't make a sound you can't believe your eyes ...

[中文对照] 你无法通过它 你不能克服它 你不能得到解决 就像在梦中 你打开你的嘴尖叫 你会不会发出声音 你不能相信自己的眼睛 你可以不相信你的耳朵 ...

[English]Adam And Eve

[English lyric] tonight you stooped to my level i am your mangy little whore you are trying to find your underwear and then your socks and then the door and you're trying to find a reason why ...

[中文对照] 今晚你弯腰我的水平 我是你的癞皮的小妓女 你正在努力寻找你的内衣 然后你的袜子,然后门 和你想找个理由 为什么你要离开 我知道这是\'因为你认为你是亚当 ...

[English]Joyful Girl

[English lyric] i do it for the joy it brings because i'm a joyful girl because the world owes me nothing and we owe each other the world i do it because it's the least i can do i do it ...

[中文对照] 一切都为了它带来的喜悦 因为我是一个快乐的女孩 因为这个世界欠了我什么 我们欠对方的世界 我这样做,因为它是至少我可以做 我这样做是因为我从你身上学到它 ...