英语人>网络例句>逊位 相关的搜索结果


与 逊位 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Does it express Gray's melancholic democratic feelings about the oneness of human experience from the perspective of death, or does Gray discuss the life and death of another elegist, one who, in his youth, suffered the same obscurity as the "rude forefathers" in the country graveyard?


Fisher's exact test and odds ratio with its 95% confidence interval were used to analyze the relationship of pulmonary artery to lesion with the possibility of malignancy. The degree of pulmonary arterial encasement in the benign lesion and malignancy was evaluated by Wilcoxon rank sum test. The agreement between 2 observers was evaluated by kappa statistics. In addition, the sensitivity and specificity profiles of the degree of encasement in diagnosis of malignancy were determined by plotting an empirical ROC curve.

肺部病灶及其邻近肺动脉之关系来预估恶性的可能的资料分析方法为费氏分析检定法(Fisher's exact test),胜算比以及95%信赖区间;评估肺动脉被包埋压迫的程度用在预估恶性肿瘤之能力是使用威尔科克逊秩和检定;2位观察者间的同意度之检定是用Kappa 统计分析;除此之外,用肺动脉被包埋压迫的程度来预估恶性肿瘤之能力的敏感度以及特异性是用接受者操作特徵的曲线来评估。

He was a very important politician for us and his wife was also an environmentalist.


I hope poor little Allcia may pick up with some fair-haired Saxon in the course of her travels.


And if that shall prove to be so--and it undoubtedly will--this sack of gold belongs to a fellow-citizen who will henceforth stand before the nation as the symbol of the special virtue which has made our town famous throughout the land--Mr. Billson!


Http://bbs.cqzg.cn Sir David Beatty was born in Howbeck, Cheshire on 17 January 1871, and entered the Royal Navy at the age of 13, serving with distinction in Sudan from 1896-98 and in China during the Boxer Rising of 1900; even at this early stage Beatty marked himself out as a bold, aggressive officer, succeeding in becoming the youngest officer for a century to achieve flag rank at the age of 39, the last such being Lord Nelson.


Sir David Beatty was born in Howbeck, Cheshire on 17 January 1871, and entered the Royal Navy at the age of 13, serving with distinction in Sudan from 1896-98 and in China during the Boxer Rising of 1900; even at this early stage Beatty marked himself out as a bold, aggressive officer, succeeding in becoming the youngest officer for a century to achieve flag rank at the age of 39, the last such being Lord Nelson.

春秋中文社区http://bbs.cqzg.cn 大卫·贝蒂爵士1871年1月17日生于柴郡的豪贝克,13岁时进入皇家海军。他一直表现出色,尤其是在1896-1898年的苏丹和1900年中国义和团起义中更是如此。一开始他是一位大胆又好斗的军官,在39岁时成为一百年以来最年轻的获得旗舰资格的军官,打破了纳尔逊子爵的记录。

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, two veteran civil-rights leaders, are giving their full-throated support to the "Jena Six".


Ward; lawyer Riverson, the new notable from a distance; next the belle of the village, followed by a troop of lawn-clad and ribbon-decked young heart-breakers; then all the young clerks in town in a body -- for they had stood in the vestibule sucking their cane-heads, a circling wall of oiled and simpering admirers, till the last girl had run their gantlet; and last of all came the Model Boy, Willie Mufferson, taking as heedful care of his mother as if she were cut glass.


What is needed,says ano the r expert, Goral Norsen at the University of viler oil is ano the r Green Revolution to increase product activity.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
