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The main advantage of the technique over hot-wire anemometers, etc, are its ability to measure the velocity at highly localized points in the flow stream and to do so without disturbing the flow, this Report to review this type of measurement with emphasis on the basic theroy, the optical system and its the...


Asked if Michael Owen had booked the treehouse, he said:'I cannot comment, I'm a hotelier, but he has been here in the past and he has a particular liking of our cheesecake.


OBAMA administration officials have been careful not to take sides in public statements on the hotly contested multi-candidate race, led by incumbent IRANIAN president MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD and relatively-moderate former PRIME MINISTER Mir HOSSEIN MOUSAVI.

多人辩论赛正热火朝天地进行着,处于领先地全的是现任伊朗总统MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD和相对温和的前总理Mir HOSSEIN MOUSAVI。奥巴马政府官员一直小心谨慎,在公开评论中不偏袒任何一方。

Commented at a hearing of House of Representative agriculture subcommittee.

Rexroad 先生是在农业代表会议上作上述评论的。

Greg Howell, COO, commented,'We pride ourselves on responding quickly to changes in the industry.


Mourinho has never been slow to make the most of a conspiracy theory but he refused to become involved in such a controversy over Neville's unfortunate howler.


You should wrap the tag in an HTML comment tag, to avoid issues with validation.

你应该在一个 HTML 评论标签中包含这个标签,以避免确认问题。

Hubert Patricot, Managing Director Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd comments: Sustainable packaging is something we are committed to.


To this end, the aim of this book is to review recent trends and developments in the study of the impact that the environment has on read.freeduan.com human reproduction.


Becomes humored by joking or making a rude comment most likely they usually throw the question back at you.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
