英语人>网络例句>演奏音乐 相关的搜索结果


与 演奏音乐 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He completed his undergraduate training in music education at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music before gaining a Licentiate and Fellowship in trumpet performance from Trinity College, London, a Master of Music Education at Indiana University and a Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Sydney.


This thesis take the Faure's Five piano impromptus (OP.25, 31, 34, 91, 102) as the object of study, as the background of French culture characteristic and the time characteristic locate which the composer is in , carries on music analysis to these piano works, and discuss the music characteristic, simultaneously, unifies the performance style of French piano music ,and , to share the authors experiences of performance, also have the comprehens...


But as the tracks unfold, the listener feels as though the musical journey is going to many different places, including a soulful stop in "Marrakesh," which includes passages from many of Govi's more exotic stringed instruments, and the "Road to Istanbul," where the oud and steel strings lead and the sitar follows.

这张专辑就像一曲颂歌,是他长期投身东方音乐的结晶,是他在印度居住九年后的第一部作品。然而,在音乐进行下去的时候,听众会感到随着音乐游历在许多各种不同的地点。这张专辑中包括了充满热力的"Marrakesh",这是Govi将许多外国乐器连串演奏的章节;在"Road to Istanbul"中,起先出现的是五德琴与钢弦的演奏,而后是锡塔琴演奏的曲调。

He started playing piano when he was three and trumpet at five, performing in a dance band when he was 13. Towner studied classical guitar in Vienna and played with classical chamber groups in the mid-60s. After moving to New York in 1969, Towner worked with Jimmy Garrison, Jeremy Steig, and Paul Winters Winter Consort (1970-1971). In the latter group, Towner first met up with Collin Walcott, Glen Moore, and Paul McCandless, and in 1971 they broke away to form Oregon, a highly versatile group that ranges from jazz and free improvisations to folk music.

Ralph Towner是爵士乐手中少数完全专注于空心吉他演奏的当代杰出吉他手之一,他的角色位置就像是就如同另一位大师Joe Pass一般,持续不断专注于演奏技巧与特色,致力于探索空心吉他声音发展的各种可能性,其演奏特色总是带有一股十分特出的气质,既融入了爵士乐与古典音乐,时而也有世界音乐的元素在里头,但是表现出来的结果常常是干净、细腻而充满想像的。

This paper with timbre character explore its performance form and reality form as base-point, meantime we have discuss its artistic charm and musical hearting-worm as our intent, Zither can be adopted for our society, improve international community, cultivate us, and even available taste. Base on current station of Zithers development and its direction, The paper give brief expound, and then Zithers timbre character etc were understood by read this paper, at the end of this paper, we have resolve music intention as sublimation, and we debate that how Zither can sever our human being, cultivate uor generation , and supply development opportunity.


People singsongs or play music, and the listeners choose thebest singer or musician.


Come on out! We don't want to hurt you. We're players, man! Sidemen.


The musicians of whom the band was formed played j评课,说课,板书,教学反思okes on each other as well as played music.


Reportedly there has been a law for a long time, forbidding singing and music in one particular street of Hamelin, out of respect for the victims.

据说。 为了向受害者致敬,很长时间内,哈梅林有条法律,不能在哈梅林的某条特定街道上唱歌和演奏音乐

Scholars were invited to participate in the 31th International Summer Academy and Festival of Chamber Music Niedersachsen (Nordhorn, September 2007) where they had lessons with renowned teachers as Ilan Gronich, who invited them to visit him in Berlin to perfect their repertoire.

作为擅长不同类型音乐演奏的艺术者,他十分致力于自身多元化的发展,在乐队,室内乐和独奏方面都有其不凡建树,曾作为西班牙国家青年交响乐团成员,图兰根青年爱乐成员,马勒青年交响乐团成员,荷兰弦乐四重奏组成员等随访在西班牙,德国,奥地利,意大利等欧洲各主要音乐都市进行演出,在小提琴作为第一乐器的同时,他还擅长于中提琴演奏,并在室内乐团中学习演奏技巧,跟随过如同世界著名ALBANBERG四重奏进行大师班学习,而小提琴方面则在Shirly Laub, Maighread McCrann, Olga Martinova, Hagai Shaham等享有盛名的教授的指导下,艺术造诣得到深入发展。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
