英语人>网络例句>既知道 相关的搜索结果


与 既知道 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I throw out these queries for intelligent readers to answer, who know, at once, how credulous we are, and how sceptical, how soft and how obstinate, how firm for others and how diffident about ourselves: meanwhile, it is certain that our friend William Dobbin, who was personally of so complying a disposition that if his parents had pressed him much, it is probable he would have stepped down into the kitchen and married the cook, and who, to further his own interests, would have found the most insuperable difficulty in walking across the street, found himself as busy and eager in the conduct of George Osborne's affairs, as the most selfish tactician could be in the pursuit of his own.


How this interview affected John's disciples, we do not know; but we do know the encomium it occasioned of John from the lips of Jesus: And when the messengers of John were departed, he began to speak to the multitudes concerning John. What went ye out into the desert to see?


There were neither leaves nor roses on them now and Mary did not know whether they were dead or alive , but their thin gray or brown branches and sprays looked like a sort of hazy mantle spreading over everying ,walls ,and trees ,and even brown grass ,where they had fallen from their fastenings and run along the ground .


Ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening, knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with Him.


Solve the two problems, encourage the wealthy, and protect the poor, suppress misery, put an end to the unjust farming out of the feeble by the strong, put a bridle on the iniquitous jealousy of the man who is making his way against the man who has reached the goal, adjust, mathematically and fraternally, salary to labor, mingle gratuitous and compulsory education with the growth of childhood, and make of science the base of manliness, develop minds while keeping arms busy, be at one and the same time a powerful people and a family of happy men, render property democratic, not by abolishing it, but by making it universal, so that every citizen, without exception, may be a proprietor, an easier matter than is generally supposed; in two words, learn how to produce wealth and how to distribute it, and you will have at once moral and material greatness; and you will be worthy to call yourself France.


As a teacher of "creative writing" workshops, I know that creativity is no more teachable than heritable.


Homie I dont know, she's hot and cold


Having now recognized that Euripides failed in founding the drama solely on Apollinian elements and that, instead, his anti Dionysian tendency led him towards inartistic naturalism, we are ready to deal with the phenomenon of aesthetic Socratism. Its supreme law may be stated as follows:"Whatever is to be beautiful must also be sensible"--a parallel to the Socratic notion that knowledge alone makes men virtuous.


This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness, a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquisitiveness which in combination look to the European like naivete.


As much as I'd like to buy the cliches about home being where the heart is, or as Robert Frost put it,"The place where when you have to go there, they have to take you in," a part of me thinks the truth is somewhere between the loftiness of all those platitudes and the concreteness of that wooden door on 26th street.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
