英语人>网络例句>当然地 相关的搜索结果


与 当然地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is, of course, the thrill of risk, the thing adventurers talk about, the answer to the question Why?, which is perennially posed to mountain climbers, around-the-world-solo sailors, trans-Pacific balloonists and their ilk.


Of course, she knew the stories behind them: how a sensationally sexy picture of her at Lake Ediza in California, fully clothed but knees splayed apart, was mostly about exhaustion and trying to keep the mosquitoes off; or how her bowed head in "Nude"(1936), shown here, was turned away only because the sun from the white deck was dazzling her.


Of course, the experience of EDI has not been entirely coercive and conflictual, even within the motor industry.


So of course the citizen was only waiting for the wink of the word and he starts gassing out of him about the invincibles and the old guard and the men of sixtyseven and who fears to speak of ninetyeight and Joe with him about all the fellows that were hanged, drawn and transported for the cause by drumhead courtmartial and a new Ireland and new this, that and the other.


You are just bunch of number crunchers to the adcom...still need to find ways to stand out.


With all his other classmates studying fulltime, he did not want to fall behind.


If a man makes a will to which the law gives effect after his death, this is not, of course, merely a case of post hoc : we have enough empirical evidence to show that this was an instance of a regularity sufficient to have enabled us to predict the outcome with reasonable probability , at least in some cases , and to justify us , therefore , in interpreting this outcome as a consequence of making the will .


The 1-4 defeat at Milan, who were bottom of the table at the time - Cagliari, still on nil points, unfortunately seem not to count, or rather to be down already - must have planted some seeds of doubt about Lazio's ability to stand up to the better sides, but while most observers noted that the Biancazzurri were perhaps too timid against Milan, when right-flank livewire Pasquale Foggia was only introduced in the second half, Rossi himself timidly pointed out his side were too adventurous, especially once the hosts had scored their second goal.

那么,这位反击高手配得上Sky Italy对全球直播的比赛吗?这个嘛,仁者见仁,智者见智。各个地方都会一些持有偏见的空谈家。(注:强调无法让所有人满意)我们所知道的真正的Zarate,有这么一个兄弟,他曾经在90年代早期效力于Ancona,而相对于他的球技来讲,他那张吉普赛人的脸更出名,当然现在他是Zarate同学的经济人了。Zarate对Lazio锋线的贡献是如此巨大,以致于人们现在已经不想念上个赛季的主力Tommaso Rochhi了,他很不幸地在代表意大利出赛奥运会时受伤。

In addition, many vendors of software has its own characteristics, such as the IBM-assisted procedures for the network configuration Access Connections, power management software Battery MaxiMiser, Sony power management using PowerPanel, DV editing software acquisition Movie Shaker, browser cool picture Visual Flow, TOSHIBA can deploy the system and hardware settings, password settings, and energy control procedures, such as machine control panel, these features give users the software is not only easy to use, but also a greater extent to help users use the good hands of the machine, thereby effective performance of the original machine, of course, should be installed.

此外,许多厂商都有自己的特色软件,如 IBM 的网络配置辅助程序 Access Connections 、电源管理软件 Battery MaxiMiser , Sony 电源管理用的 PowerPanel 、 DV 采集编辑软件 Movie Shaker 、超酷的图片浏览器 Visual Flow ,以及 TOSHIBA 可以调配系统硬件设置、密码设置和节能控制的整机控制台程序等,这些特色软件不仅能给用户带来使用上的便捷,还能帮助用户更大限度地使用好手中的机器,从而有效发挥出机器原有的效能,当然值得安装使用。

Even young adults struggle, having passed through an archaic school system that still insists on the brute memorisation of words and grammar. Zhang Jin, a 24-year-old from remote Guizhou province, studied English from the age of 12 and then for four years at HuananUniversity.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
