英语人>网络例句>寒意 相关的搜索结果


与 寒意 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, the wind in the winter seems warmer if we believe the time of unfreezing is coming now.


Examples included her unregular breath and cold breath trace left on the window when kidnapped by her kinky patient and forced to hear his terrifiying expressions before he executed death for her; the change of her speaking manner between relaxed smiling by hearing Gwan's childish sound and voice full of compassion when hearing his sad memory abandoned by his parent as a teenager;uncontrolled tears burst naturally when encountering Gwan unexpectly and seeing him show his sincerity at the place of their first date;the volumn of her voice's slight change when hearing Gwan's gentle words persuading her to stay, etc.

午夜》中林的表演,有出彩的地方,譬如被李成昌的变态医生挟持时挤在玻璃上听他行刑前的惊悚告白,透不过气的恐惧伴随越来越重的呼吸和求救在玻璃上留下充斥寒意的痕迹;为军做催眠时听到他小孩子呓语时的轻松笑意,随后闻及其被父母抛弃的悲惨遭遇时转而满怀同情的语气变化;在与军的定情柱旁见到跟了自己一整日的军& Show &出出人意料的诚意时毫不造作的情感决堤;在飞机上被军挽留时音量由强渐弱的微妙转变,等等。

On an October evening in 1929, in the small town of Vineland, it turned chilly


It seems that the cold and damp was blocked off by the thick curtain, to contrast with the outside the room is warm and comfortable, so the feeling is cozy.


But in the past two months, business has felt the global market downturn bursts of cold.


Chat is taught in Germany and tall Wei two years ago, rise of the face when seeing he mentions China" of of "Made In with distained tone shows to laugh disdainfully, can't help the heart gives birth to chill.

两年前在德国与乔伟教授闲谈,见他用不屑的口气提到&Made in China&时脸上浮现轻蔑的一笑,不禁心生寒意

But that doesn ' t stop him genuflecting , and a thrill runs up his spine as the creature addresses him


Controversial policy at the same time, another group of data so that developers feel cold gusts.


Then one night in November the phone rang, and a cold chill numbed my body.


Then one night in November the phone rang, and a cold chill numbed my body.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
