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与 union 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The very insistence on the unity of God emphasized also the distance of God from man, and was likely to end in making the union of God with man a mere indwelling or external union, after the fashion of that which was attributed to Nestorius.


Analogously to what occurs in other European Countries,the current policy of the European Union concerning the economic and monetary union is having a dramatic impact on Public Administration and utilities in Italy.


And make the special relationship with the United States to a new level. After World War II, the decline in Britain's international status so that Mrs. Margaret Thatcher is pinning its hopes on the special relationship with the United States. She instinctively more pro-Atlantic friendly to the United States When the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union or other western allies in troubles, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher usually support the United States. In attitude to the Soviet Union, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher was unequivocal anti-Soviet and anticommunist .


The trade union law provides specific legal remedies against antiunion discrimination and specifies that union representatives may not be transferred or terminated by enterprise management during their term of office.


The countries of the Union undertake to prohibit the unauthorized use in trade of the State armorial bearings of the other countries of the Union, when the use is of such a nature as to be misleading as to the origin of the goods.


The countries of the Union agree to refuse or to invalidate the registration, and to prohibit by appropriate measures the use, without authorization by the competent authorities, either as trademarks or as elements of trademarks, of armorial bearings, flags, and other State emblems, of the countries of the Union, official signs and hallmarks indicating control and warranty adopted by them, and any imitation from a heraldic point of view.


When the conviction has spread that they have everything to gain by becoming again members of a really universal Church, that union with Rome means all the advantages of Western ideas and a sound theological position, and that, on the other hand, it leaves the national millet untouched, un-latinized, and only stronger for so powerful an alliance, then indeed the now shadowy and remote issues about nature and person in Christ, the entirely artificial grievances of the Filioque and our azyme bread will easily be buried in the dust that has gathered over them for centuries, and Eastern Christians may some day wake up and find that there is nothing to do but to register again a union that ought never to have been broken.

当信念,有消息指他们拥有一切好处,再次成为委员的一个真正的普世教会,工会与罗马手段的所有优点,西方的观念和健全的神学立场,并认为,在另一方面,它给人的国家小米也不放过,联合国latinized ,只有强大了这么强大的一个联盟,那么实际上现在阴影和远程问题,对大自然和人在基督里,完全是人为的怨气的 filioque 和我们azyme面包很容易会被安葬在尘埃已收集到超过他们数百年来,和东部基督徒可能在某一天醒来时发觉有没有什么关系,但重新注册了工会,应该是从来没有被打破。

The treaty has shattered the intrigues by which the reactionary international bourgeoisie represented by Chamberlain and Daladier sought to instigate a Soviet-German war, has broken the encirclement of the Soviet Union by the German-Italian-Japanese anti-Communist bloc, strengthened peace between the Soviet Union and Germany, and safeguarded the progress of socialist construction in the Soviet Union.


Invites international and regional organizations linked with my Office, if necessary: the United Nations, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Asia-Europe Meeting, ASEAN Regional Forum, the Group of Eight, the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation, the Asia Cooperation dialogue, the League of Arab States, Arab Maghreb Union, the Arab Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the Arab Parliamentary Union, the Andean Community, the Eastern and Southern Africa Common Market, the East African Community, the ASEAN and China, Japan, South Korea summit meeting, Association of Southeast Asian Nations East Asia - Latin America Cooperation Forum, the Organization of African Unity, the International Telecommunication Union, Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Maritime Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the International Finance Corporation, the International Development Association, the International Labor Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Criminal Police Organization, the International Organization for Migration, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation, Organization of the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America, the Latin American Economic System Latin American Integration Association, the Latin American Parliament, the Rio Group, UNESCO, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations Commission for Social Development, the Organization of American States, Inter-American Development Bank, the Southern African Development Community, Mercosur, the South Center, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the Group of 77, World Economic Forum, the World Tourism Organization, the World Trade Organization, the World Energy Council, the World Meteorological Organization, the World Health Organization, the Pacific Community, Pacific Islands Forum


During Kekkonen's Government period, faced forceful Soviet Union diplomatic pressure, without efficient support from western nations. Given this, Finland chose bandwagoning neutral policy. However, due to muiti-parties and semi-president system at home, President Kekkonen could persist its government under threat from Soviet Union for 25 years, and use Soviet Union's support to increase Finnish influence to the western world, thus he personal won the historical reputation, in the meantime raise the national security.


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One Big Union For Two
World In Union
Union City Blue
Union Sundown
State Of The Union
Gravity's Union
State Of The Union
Hey Western Union Man
Hero Of The Soviet Union

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
