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与 elsewhere 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some note that athletes already modify themselves in a number of ways, including baseball sluggers who undergo laser eye surgery to enhance their vision and pitchers who undergo elbow reconstruction using ligaments from elsewhere in the body.


I called him "Old Hsu" because that was what everyone in the soviet districts called him—Lao Hsu, the Educator—for, although sixty-one was only just an average age for most high government officials elsewhere in the Orient, in Red China he seemed a sort of hoary grandfather by contrast with others.

我叫他老徐,因为苏区人人都这样叫——教书先生老徐——因为,虽然在东方其他地方, 61 岁不过是政府最高官员的平均年龄,可是在红色中国,同别人相比,他似乎是个白发老翁。

Even simpletons are cautious enough to keep these documents elsewhere before sending it out for repair.


Republican Party Congressman Christopher Shays of Connecticut, questions what the point is of making documents secret again that have, in many cases, already been published elsewhere.

来自康涅狄格的共和党议员 Christopher Shays 对将档案再次加密的意义提出了质疑,特别是其中有一些已经在其他地方公开出版过了。

Republican Party Congressman Christopher Shays of Connecticut , questions what the point is of making documents secret again that have, in many cases, already been published elsewhere .

共和党康涅狄格议员 Christopher Shays 质疑是什么让这些文件重新加密,它们有些甚至已经出版在一些地方。

Six species of sedges have been recorded in the gei wai three of which, have not been recorded elsewhere in Hong Kong.


The firm was built up on a place of a former Jewish cemetery, in the past low vibration souls gathered here /, an introductory signature with asteroids (also here and elsewhere saurians live), an explosion - destruction, a red ribbon - controlling programme in the egg it is in the oppsite direction of clock's hands


The firm was built up on a place of a former Jewish cemetery, in the past low vibration so uls gathered here /, an introductory signature with asteroids (also here and elsewhere saurians live), an explosion - destruction, a red ribbon - controlling programme in the egg it is in the oppsite direction of clock's hands


Vedic astrology includes several nuanced sub-systems of interpretation and prediction incorporating unique sacralized elements not found elsewhere, such as its specific system of lunar mansions (called nakshatras, encompassing a pantheon of archetypal deities).


Although the names of the deities worshipped and the titles of the SAbbats may be different to other Pagan practices, despite the regional dialects which occur in the Celtic rituals, there are strong similarities between Celtic witchcraft and Wicca practiced elsewhere on the globe.


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St. Elsewhere
Absolute Elsewhere

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
