歌词 "That For You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

That For You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm not made of gold 我不是金子做的

Thought I told you so 想我告诉你,

With your hopes so high 与你的希望那么高

I'll tell you one more time 我会告诉你更多的时间

You'll hear me if you try 你会听到我,如果你尝试


I could never be that for you 我永远会为你

I could never be that for you 我永远会为你

I could never take your cloudy skies and make them blue 我从来没有把你的多云的天空,让他们的蓝色

You keep on telling me I light your day 你一直告诉我,我照亮你的日子

You're hanging on to every word I say 你挂在每一个字我说

I could never be that for you, that for you 我永远是为你,为你


Put it on the line 把它上线

Wear it on your sleeve 穿在你的袖子

It's up to me now 这是给我吧

But I'll never make your broken heart begin to beat 但我永远不会让你受伤的心脏开始跳动


I could never be that for you 我永远会为你

I could never be that for you 我永远会为你

I could never take your cloudy skies and make them blue 我从来没有把你的多云的天空,让他们的蓝色

You keep on telling me I light your day 你一直告诉我,我照亮你的日子

You're hanging on to every word I say 你挂在每一个字我说

I could never be that for you, that for you 我永远是为你,为你


I can't be your everything 我不能成为你的一切

I can not make things right 我不能弄好

I'll tell you one more time 我会告诉你更多的时间

Maybe you'll hear me if you try 也许你会听到我的,如果你尝试


I could never be that for you 我永远会为你

I could never be that for you 我永远会为你

I could never take your cloudy skies and make them blue 我从来没有把你的多云的天空,让他们的蓝色

You keep on telling me I light your day 你一直告诉我,我照亮你的日子

You're hanging on to every word I say 你挂在每一个字我说

I could never be that for you, that for you 我永远是为你,为你


I could never be that for you 我永远会为你

I could never be that for you 我永远会为你

I could never take your cloudy skies and make them blue 我从来没有把你的多云的天空,让他们的蓝色

You keep on telling me I light your day 你一直告诉我,我照亮你的日子

You're hanging on to every word I say 你挂在每一个字我说

I could never be that for you, that for you 我永远是为你,为你

歌词 That For You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/that-for-you/

歌词 That For You 的作者与版权信息:


Tofer Brown, Matt Wertz


BMG Gold Songs, We Jam Writers Group