歌词 "Survivor Guilt" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Survivor Guilt



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

("What are you talking about? America is not going to be destroyed." ( “你在说什么?美国是不会被破坏。 ”

"Never? “从来没有?

Rome was destroyed, Greece was destroyed, Persia was destroyed, Spain was destroyed. 罗马被摧毁,希腊被摧毁,波斯被摧毁,西班牙被摧毁。

All great countries are destroyed. Why not yours? 所有伟大的国家被摧毁。为什么不是你?

How much longer do you really think your own country will last? 多久你真的觉得自己的国家会持续多久?

Forever?") 下去吗? “ )


Block the entrances 挡住入口

Close the doors 关闭的大门

Seal the exits 密封退出

'Cause this is war 因为这是战争


All gave some 全部给了一些

Some gave all 有的把所有

But for what 但对于什么

I want to know 我想知道


Carry on 继续

Don't mind me 不介意我

All I gave was everything 我只给了一切

And yet you ask me for more 但你问我更

Fought your fight 打你的战斗

Bought your lie 买了你的谎言

And in return I lost my life 作为回报,我失去了我的生活

What purpose does this serve? 有什么用处呢这个服务的?


A folded flag 一块被折叠的标志

A purple heart 紫色心脏

A family all but torn apart 一个新的家庭,但撕开

I fought with courage to preserve 我打的勇气来保护

Not my way of life, but yours 不是我的生活方式,但你


Carry on 继续

Don't mind me 不介意我

All I gave was everything 我只给了一切

And yet you ask me for more 但你问我更

Fought your fight 打你的战斗

Bought your lie 买了你的谎言

And in return I lost my life 作为回报,我失去了我的生活

What purpose does this serve? 有什么用处呢这个服务的?


The cowards preach from pedestals 懦夫从底座宣讲

With words like courage and resolve 有了这样的勇气和决心的话

But what they meant was fuck them all 但是,他们的意思是他妈的他们都

'Cause freedom isn't free 因为自由不是免费的


They send our daughters and our sons 他们把我们的女儿,我们的儿子

To deserts under burning suns 根据燃烧的太阳沙漠

A sacrificial slaughtering to fill 牺牲屠宰填写

The pockets of the weak 弱的口袋

An artificial enemy 一个人造的敌人

Are we so easily deceived? 我们这么容易被骗?


They carry on 他们进行


("You're a shameful opportunist! What you don't understand is that it's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. ( “你是个可耻的机会主义者!你有什么不明白的是,它是更好地死在你的脚下,而不是住在你的膝盖上。

"You had it backwards. It's better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.") “你弄错了,这是更好地生活在你的脚下,而不是死在你的膝盖。 ” )


Don't carry on 不进行

Just walk away 一走了之

How many more sent to their graves 要多发送到他们的坟墓

In this lesson ignored? 在这一课中被忽略?

I fought your fight 我打你的战斗

Bought your lie 买了你的谎言

And in return I lost my life 作为回报,我失去了我的生活

What purpose does this serve? 有什么用处呢这个服务的?

What purpose did I serve? 我才的目的是什么?

歌词 Survivor Guilt 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/survivor-guilt/

歌词 Survivor Guilt 的作者与版权信息:


Zach Blair, Brandon Barnes, Joseph Principe, Timothy Mcilrath


Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, Do It To Win Music