歌词 "She's Pulling Out The Pin" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

She's Pulling Out The Pin



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

She's pulling out the pin 她拔出针

That lets her hair fall down 这让她的头发掉下来

She shakes her head and 她摇摇头,

It goes tumbling 它会翻滚

Her smile was out of place 她的微笑是不合时宜的,

So she swept it off her face 于是,她就扫了她的脸


Let me find the words and say them 让我找到的话,说他们

Like some softly whispered Amen 像一些小声地说阿门


As she starts to pull away 当她开始拉远

And the lights begin to dim 和灯光开始变暗

Is she thinking of me 她是想着我

Or is she thinking of him 或者她想他

She's pulling out the pin 她拔出针


She's slipping off the hook 她滑倒被打爆

Unbuttoning her dress 解开她的衣服

There's just enough to make some man a mess 这里还有足以让一些人一团糟

She tears away the veil 她撕开面纱

With her fingernails 随着她的指甲


She came out high and kicking 她出来了高踢腿

While the band played "Hey good lookin'" 当乐队奏起“嘿好找谁”

Do you hear something ticking? 你听到滴答声的东西?


Did somebody tell her? 没人告诉她吗?

You can really be redeemed 你真的可以兑换

Could she actually be? 难道她真的是什么?

As desperate as she seems 至于绝望,因为她似乎

She's tearing at the seams 她撕裂接缝处

She's going to extremes 她走极端

Nobody told her it was a sin 没有人告诉她这是一种罪过

So she's pulling out the pin 于是她掏出针


She's taping up her hands 她录音了她的手

Just as a boxer will 就像一个拳击手会

They started laughing 他们开始大笑

But if looks could kill 但是,如果目光能杀人

She'd take them down right now 她取下来,现在

She's covering her mouth 她捂住嘴

With someone or without 与某人或无

There's nothing more to say 没有什么多说的

This is her wedding day 这是她结婚的日子


Full of shattered glass and mayhem 全玻璃碎片和混乱的

Not one softly whispered amen 没有一个人小声地说阿门


She's knocking down some doors 她撞倒了一些门

And the smoke begins to fill 和烟开始填充

Where the world without her ends 凡没有她结束了世界

And the next one begins 和下一个开始

She's pulling out the pin 她拔出针

歌词 She's Pulling Out The Pin 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/she_s-pulling-out-the-pin/

歌词 She's Pulling Out The Pin 的作者与版权信息:


Elvis Costello


Universal Music Publishing Mgb Ltd.