歌词 "Radio Silence" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Radio Silence



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Signal fading, listen to what I'm saying 信号衰减,听我在说什么

Testing, testing 测试,测试

This better be worth all of the breath I'm wasting 这更是值得所有的气息,我浪费了

Maintaining radio silence from now on 从现在开始,保持无线电静默


Barricaded in the talk radio station 困守在谈话电台

Hostage taken 人质采取

The red "On-Air" light shines on 红色的“上航”光照射到

Something cheaper that passes for free speech 便宜的东西传递言论自由

Will have to do 将要做的


Hear him coming through loud and clear 听到他即将通过嘹亮

Trickling in your ear 滴在你的耳朵

He'll tell you anything you want to hear 他会告诉你任何你想听到的


The tape starts running 磁带开始运行

He's going to tell you something 他会告诉你一些事情

The strings start strumming 琴弦开始弹奏

Another humdrum conundrum 另一种单调的难题

Signing off now 现在签约了

Maintaining radio silence from now on 从现在开始,保持无线电静默


But there's one thing I should have said 但有一件事我应该说

"The hostage will end up dead" “人质最终会死”

It's just a comedy 这只是一部喜剧

The hostage is me 人质是我


So pay the ransom 因此,支付赎金

Beyond the run-out grove 除了运行了树林

Get my wife down here 让我的妻子在这儿

A helicopter on the roof 屋顶上的直升机

No police marksman 没有警察神枪手

Maintaining radio silence from now on 从现在开始,保持无线电静默


Mystery voices 神秘的声音

Drowned out by too much choice 淹没了太多的选择

That's not to mention 这不是提

The sad waste of this wonderful invention 这个奇妙的发明的悲伤浪费

Maintaining radio silence from now on 从现在开始,保持无线电静默


Libraries filled up with failed ideas 图书馆充满了失败的想法

There's nothing more for me there 有没有需要我的存在

I trust in tender ink and gentle airs 我相信在招标墨水和温柔的架子


Do those drug dealer still polish women made of wax? 做那些毒贩仍取得了蜡上光女人吗?

Gangster and world leaders 大佬和世界各国领导人

Require the same protection from attack 需要从攻击相同的保护

From this distance it's hard to tell the difference 从这个距离很难看出其中的差别

Between a king and jack 国王和插座之间

Between a poet and hack 诗人和黑客之间

Maintaining radio silence from now on 从现在开始,保持无线电静默

歌词 Radio Silence 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/radio-silence-1/

歌词 Radio Silence 的作者与版权信息:


Elvis Costello


Universal Music Publishing Mgb Ltd.