歌词 "National Sports Association Hires Retired English Professor To Name New Wrestling Holds" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

National Sports Association Hires Retired English Professor To Name New Wrestling Holds


歌词相关歌手:YO LA TENGO

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The National Association Of Sports Administration 体育总局的全国协会

Had a problem with one of its games. 有一个问题,它的游戏之一。

Some of the wrestlers were winning their matches 有些选手被赢取他们的比赛

With holds that didn't even have names. 有认为,甚至没有名字。

The ringside announcer and most of the fans 场边播音员和大部分球迷

Were surprised and completely confused, 很惊讶,完全糊涂了,

So they hired a retired college English professor 于是,他们聘请了一位退休的大学教授英语

To name the new holds that were used. 命名新持有中使用的。


A Slow Dance With Trouble 一个缓慢的舞蹈麻烦

Appointment With Pain 预约疼痛

And a Dunk In The Devil's Teacup 和扣篮恶魔的茶杯

King Tut's Crunch 图坦卡蒙的紧缩

And the Rubber Wrist Twist 和橡胶手腕扭

Were all names the professor thought up. 都是名教授沉思了起来。


And then he came up with the Slow Poke 然后,他想出了慢打个招呼

(That's a wind-up and slow motion slap) (这是一个风和慢动作巴掌)

And the Porcupine Hug 和豪猪拥抱

ANd the Polar Bear Rub 和北极熊擦

And the Snap-crackle-pop-crackle-snap 而卡入式裂纹,弹出裂纹,扣

The Lip Pull Hip Throw 在唇肌肉牵拉髋关节投掷

And Tongue Twister 和绕口令

The Chin Pinch 下巴捏

And High Diving Splat 高潜水啪

The Hair Pulling Eye Poking Nose Tweak 头发拉环宝金鼻的Tweak

And something called Shaving The Cat. 而所谓的东西剃猫。


After naming new holds every day for a week 新命名后保存,每天一个星期

He got kind of carried away 种他陶醉

He started to talk the same way at home 他开始谈论在家里同样的方式

Every time he had something to say. 每次他有话要说。

Like: 如:

"Darling, please pass me the tiny white balls “亲爱的,请通过我微小的白球

From the table top tumbler vault." 从表顶端不倒翁保管库“ 。

When all that he really meant to say was 当所有他真正想说的是

"Honey, please pass me the salt." “亲爱的,请把盐递给我。 ”

歌词 National Sports Association Hires Retired English Professor To Name New Wrestling Holds 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/national-sports-association-hires-retired-english-professor-to-name-new-wrestling-holds/