歌词 "Last Show" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Last Show



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

This is the Last Show 这是最后的展示

I will ever play with you 我会永远陪你玩

this is the end of what you put me through 这是什么,你帮我结束

the Last Show i will ever play with you 上届展会,我会永远陪你玩

this is the end of what we do... 这是我们做到底...


I don't want fame, i don't want money 我不想成名,我不要钱

I just want to have fun again 我只是想再次获得乐趣

I don't want girls, or backstage parties 我不想要女孩,或者当事人后台

I just want to feel like we're friends 我只是想觉得我们是朋友

I think i've learned my lesson 我想我已经吸取了教训

I think i've figured this whole thing out 我想我已经想通这件事了

this is a fine profession 这是一个很好的职业

but it's no fun 但它是不好玩

so i'm done 所以我做


This is the Last Show 这是最后的展示

I will ever play with you 我会永远陪你玩

this is the end of what you put me through 这是什么,你帮我结束

the Last Show i will ever play with you 上届展会,我会永远陪你玩

this is the end of what we do... 这是我们做到底...


I never thought i would hate music 我从没想过我会恨音乐

I never thought i would hate you 我从来没有想过我会恨你

but every day this feels more like a job i don't even want to do 但每一天,这个感觉更像是一个工作,我什至不希望做

I think i've learned my lesson 我想我已经吸取了教训

I'll NEVER follow my dreams again 我永远不会再跟着我的梦想

I wont waste any more of your time 我不会再浪费你的时间

so kiss my ass 所以吻我的屁股

I wont be back 我不会回来


This is the Last Show 这是最后的展示

I will ever play with you 我会永远陪你玩

this is the end of what you put me through 这是什么,你帮我结束

the Last Show i will ever play with you 上届展会,我会永远陪你玩

this is the end of what we do... 这是我们做到底...


did we do it for the money? 我们做是为了钱?

did we do it because we were bored? 我们做了,是因为我们很无聊?

I was better off with what i had before 我最好还是用我的面前

and that was nothing 那是什么

that was 这是

nothing 什么


all... 全部...


This is the Last Show 这是最后的展示

I will ever play with you 我会永远陪你玩

this is the end of what you put me through 这是什么,你帮我结束

the Last Show i will ever play with you 上届展会,我会永远陪你玩

this is the end of what we do 这是我们做到底


this is the last song 这是最后一首歌

this is the last line...goodbye. 这是最后的行......再见。

歌词 Last Show 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/last-show/