歌词 "It Turns Me Inside Out" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

It Turns Me Inside Out



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

In a way I'm glad it's over 在某种程度上,我很高兴一切都结束了

Even though it's gonna hurt me once you're gone 即使一旦你走了弄疼了我

But I can learn to live without you 但我可以学习没有你的生活

Give me time and I can make it on my own 给我时间,我可以让我自己


Lovin' you to me came easy 爱着你给我进来容易

Now losin' you will change my life no doubt 现在,失去感到你会改变我的生活毫无疑问

In a way I'm glad it's over 在某种程度上,我很高兴一切都结束了

In another way it turns me inside out 以另一种方式事实证明我内而外


In a way I guess it's better 在某种程度上,我想这是最好

Even though there's nothin' good about goodbye 即使有没什么好约再见

But I know I couldn't hold you 但我知道我不能拥有你

Now you've found the wings and you'll be groomed to fly 现在,你已经找到了翅膀,你会打扮飞


It's for sure I'm gonna miss you 这是肯定的,我会想念你

But I guess that's what goodbye is all about 但我想这就是再见是怎么一回事

In a way I'm glad it's over 在某种程度上,我很高兴一切都结束了

In another way it turns me inside out 以另一种方式事实证明我内而外


On the one hand I know I'll be better off once you've gone 一方面,我知道我会好起来,一旦你走了

But I find a lot of heartaches on the other 但我找了很多心痛的其他

And I can't say, I'll look forward to those nights, I'll be alone 我不能说,我期待着那些夜晚,我独自一人

And I wonder will there ever be another 我不知道还能有另一种


'Cause lovin' you to me came easy 你给我出来容易,因为喜欢“

Now losin' you will change my life no doubt 现在,失去感到你会改变我的生活毫无疑问


In a way I'm glad it's over 在某种程度上,我很高兴一切都结束了

In another way it turns me inside out 以另一种方式事实证明我内而外

In a way I'm glad it's over 在某种程度上,我很高兴一切都结束了

In another way it turns me again inside out 在另一种方式,它让我兴奋又内而外

歌词 It Turns Me Inside Out 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/it-turns-me-inside-out-2/

歌词 It Turns Me Inside Out 的作者与版权信息:


jan L. Crutchfield


Duchess Music Corp., Universal Music - Careers