歌词相关歌手:VIEW, THE
I know it’s not your time yet but I see you coming over the hill, 我知道这不是你的时间,但是我看你来了山那边,
Blaming everything on me is that 对我埋怨一切是
the way you get your kicks and your thrills, 你的方式让你踢,你的惊险刺激,
You should spare a little time for your mind and then your body and soul. 你应该抽出一点时间,你的心,然后你的身体和灵魂。
You act a little crazy but I know you’ve got it under control, 你的行为有点疯狂,但我知道你已经得到它的控制之下,
And this is me trying to be kind I want you to know, 这就是我想成为那种我要你知道,
This whole banging on the roof and stamping on the floors getting old. 这整个敲打屋顶踩变老的地板。
Lets come to an agreement there’s no need to get the police involved, 让我们达成一致就没有必要让警方介入,
A minor little headache can be cured by a little resolve, A小调有点头痛可以通过一点点决心治愈,
And this is me trying to be kind, I want you to know, 这就是我想成为那种,我想让你知道,
You seem to pardon all my favors now, 你似乎原谅我所有的青睐,现在,
I’m a sober boy and you’re a lonely girl, 我是一个清醒的男孩,你是个寂寞的女孩,
So lets give it up and stay out of each other’s worlds 所以让我们放弃它,并保持彼此的世界了
Is there any need in bringing in the butchers for a bit of a scare 是否有引进的屠夫的有点恐慌的任何需要
I’ve had so many hidings in this city that they’ve stopped being rare, 我有这么多的消隐在这个城市,他们已经不再是罕见的,
This is me trying to be kind I want you to know, 这就是我想成为那种我要你知道,
You seem to pardon all my favors now 你似乎原谅我所有的好处,现在
I’m a sober boy and you’re a lonely girl, 我是一个清醒的男孩,你是个寂寞的女孩,
So lets give it up and stay out of each other’s worlds 所以让我们放弃它,并保持彼此的世界了
I’m a sober boy and you’re a lonely girl, 我是一个清醒的男孩,你是个寂寞的女孩,
So lets give it up and stay out of each other’s worlds 所以让我们放弃它,并保持彼此的世界了
Lets make our peace, stand in one line, 让我们使我们的和平,站在一条线,
Or hold on to these, grudges for time. 或保持这些,积怨时间。
歌词 Grace 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:
- Grace
- Underneath The Lights
- Tragic Magic
- Girl
- Life
- Friend
- Beautiful
- Blondie
- Sunday
- Walls
- Happy
- Best Lasts Forever
- Witches
- 相关歌词
- I Am Set Free
- Mark My Grace
- Amazing Grace
- Unfailing Love
- Amazing Grace
- Amazing Grace
- Continuous Grace
- You Don't Have The Right
- Amazing Grace
- Grace
- 推荐歌词
- XO
- Poppin For Some
- Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They?)
- I'll Be The One
- Gonna Be Alright
- Let's Roll
- Magnificent
- Any Direction
- The Last Time (I Get Burned Like This)
- Between My Legs
- My Soul To Lose
- Mystic Rhythms
- Amigas Cheetahs
- Callin' Baton Rouge
- Stop!
- Architects & Engineers
- Do I Know You?
- I Left My Heart In San Francisco
- Steal That Car
- Skin & Bones
- 歌词 Grace 的作者与版权信息:
Kieren Clark Webster, Kyle Francis Falconer
Warner/Chappell Music Publishing Ltd.
- "Grace" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."Grace" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "Grace" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "Grace" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。