歌词 "Gotta Let It Go" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Gotta Let It Go



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

My heart just wont stop burning 我的心脏只是不会停止燃烧

But I gotta let it go 不过,我得让他走

Fighting these feelings but they keep returning 格斗这种感觉,但他们的回头率

I just gotta let it go, and 我得让他走,并

Mind, body and soul is yearning 心灵,身体和灵魂的向往

I gotta let it go, let it go 我得让他走,让他走

Let it go, let it go now... 顺其自然吧,现在让他走......


I aint timing a muthafucka 我是不是定时à muthafucka

Boy you so damn sexy 小子,你这么该死的性感

But I know that we, can never be 但我知道,我们永远不能

The circumstances and consequence of us, pursuing and doing 的情况和我们的结果,追求和做

This shit I been thinking about doing 这一切,我一直在想这样做

Aint gonna lead us to nowhere but ruin 是不是会引领我们到任何地方,但废墟

I feel, I got too much to lose in you 我觉得,我有太多你输

A friend that I could see my side to ride 一个朋友说,我可以看到我身边骑

This the whole way through, oooh 通过这个,哦全路

And I really wish, I was the type of girl that aint give a shit 我真的希望,我的女孩,是不是给了狗屎的类型

Cause all I want to do is lose control 因为我所想要做的就是不听使唤

Touch your heart, and 触摸你的心脏和

Ease your soul 缓解你的灵魂


[Repeat Chorus] [重复合唱]


How cupid gone just shoot me down 如何丘比特不见了刚才拍我失望

At a time like this 在这样的时刻

I fiend for just one kiss í魔鬼,只是一个吻

Cause dreaming seems so hopeless 因为梦似乎很绝望

The circumstances and consequences of us fulfilling 的情况和我们履行的后果

These feels that I been feeling 这是我一直感觉摸起来

Only gonna provide a sexual healing 仅会提供性愈合

But I feel, there's so much more in our minds 但我觉得,有一个在我们的脑海中这么多

Its like a spiritual higher level 它像一个精神更高层次

Feel I known you my whole lifetime 觉得我知道你我的整个生命周期

And I really wish, I was the type of girl that aint give a shit 我真的希望,我的女孩,是不是给了狗屎的类型

Cause all I want to do, is loose control 因为我所想要做的,是失去控制

And touch your heart, and 而且,触摸你的心脏和

Ease your soul 缓解你的灵魂


[Repeat Chorus] [重复合唱]


He takes my breathe away 他把我的呼吸走

And he knocks me off my feet 他敲了我我的脚

Got my heart skipping beats 得到了我的心脏跳的节拍

But I gotta let it go now 不过,我得让现在去

He makes me oh so shy 他让我哦如此害羞

Blushing every time that i caught his eye 红着脸每次我抓他的眼睛时间

I love the way he makes me smile 我爱他让我微笑的样子

But I gotta let it go now 不过,我得让现在去


[Repeat Chorus] [重复合唱]

歌词 Gotta Let It Go 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/gotta-let-it-go-1/

歌词 Gotta Let It Go 的作者与版权信息:


Niomi Daley


Emi Music Publishing Ltd.