歌词 "First Song" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

First Song



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Then it was dusk in Illinois 然后是黄昏在伊利诺伊州

a small boy, after an afternoon of carting dung hung 一个小男孩,卡丁车粪便经过一下午的挂

on a rail fence, a sapped thing 在铁路栅栏,大伤元气的事情

weary to crying 疲惫的哭


dark was growing tall 深成长高大

he began to hear the pond frogs all calling on his ear 他开始听到池塘边青蛙在他耳边呼唤所有

they were calling on his ears with what seemed their joy 他们在他的耳朵与什么似乎自己的喜悦呼吁


soon the sound was pleasant for a boy 很快的声音是愉快的男孩

listening in the smoky dusk and nightfall of illinois 听在伊利诺伊州的烟黄昏和傍晚

and from the fields two small boys came 从领域两个小男孩来到

bearing cornstalk violins 轴承玉米秸秆小提琴

so they rubbed the cornstalk bows with resins 所以他们擦玉米秸秆蝴蝶结与树脂

and the three just sat there scraping of the joy 而三只是坐在那里刮的喜悦

of their joy, they're scraping of the joy 他们的喜悦,他们拼抢的喜悦


it was now fine music 这是现在古典音乐

the frogs and the boys did 青蛙和孩子们做

in the towering illinois twilight make and into dark 在伊利诺伊州的巍峨暮使进入黑暗

in spite a shoulder's ache 尽管肩膀的疼痛

a boy's hunched body loved out of a stalk 一个男孩的身体驼背爱了秸秆

the first song of his happiness 他的幸福的第一首歌曲

and the song woke his heart into the darkness and sadness of joy 和歌醒他的心脏在黑暗和喜悦悲伤


dark was growing tall 深成长高大

he began to hear the pond frogs all calling on his ear 他开始听到池塘边青蛙在他耳边呼唤所有

they were calling on his ear with what seemed their joy 他们呼吁他的耳朵与什么似乎自己的喜悦

歌词 First Song 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/first-song/