歌词 "I" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We're keeping busy yeah we're bleeding stones 我们保持忙碌是的,我们正在流血的石头

With our machinations and our palindromes 凭借我们的阴谋,我们的回文

Anything but hear a voice 什么,但听到的声音

Anything but hear a voice 什么,但听到的声音

Anything but hear a voice 什么,但听到的声音

That says we're basically alone 这表示我们基本上孤独

Says we're basically alone 我们基本上仅说


We're keeping busy yeah we're bleeding stones 我们保持忙碌是的,我们正在流血的石头

With our machinations and our palindromes 凭借我们的阴谋,我们的回文

Anything but hear a voice 什么,但听到的声音

That says we're basically alone 这表示我们基本上孤独

Says we're basically alone 我们基本上仅说

Says we're basically alone 我们基本上仅说


We're keeping busy yeah we're bleeding stones 我们保持忙碌是的,我们正在流血的石头

With our machinations and our palindromes 凭借我们的阴谋,我们的回文

Anything but hear a voice 什么,但听到的声音

Anything but hear a voice 什么,但听到的声音

That says we're basically alone 这表示我们基本上孤独

Says we're basically alone 我们基本上仅说

Says we're basically alone 我们基本上仅说

歌词 I 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-1/