歌词 "A Welcome Burden" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

A Welcome Burden



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Shout! 呐喊!


Heavy! You want it heavy! 重!你想让它重!

Welcome to my world, feel the weight of it grinding down, and 欢迎来到我的世界,感受它磨下来的重量,

Heavy! I want it heavy! 重!我希望它重!

Welcome to my world, feel the weight of it grinding down again 欢迎来到我的世界,感受它磨下来了的重量


Gather your pathetic masses and bring them to me 收集你那可怜的群众,把他们给我

To a world devoid of light 到世界缺乏光

To another time, to another place 到另一个时间,另一个地方

And let the broken ones taste my misery 而让那些坏品味我的痛苦

Rip away her disguise and you will realize that ya find 撕裂了她的伪装,你会发现,雅发现

The truth is sickening! 事实是令人作呕!

We don't need to change it, really 我们不需要去改变它,真的

I kind of like it ugly! 我有点喜欢它难看!


Leave it! Make it! 离开吧!赚了!

Binding! Seathing! Blinding! Screaming! 结合! Seathing !致盲!尖叫!


Gather your psychotic masses and bring them to me 收集您的精神病群众,使他们给我

To a world devoid of sanity 到世界缺乏理智

Another time, & another place 还有一次,和另一个地方

And let the violent ones crave calamity 让暴力者渴望灾难

Rip away her disguise and you will realize that ya find 撕裂了她的伪装,你会发现,雅发现

The truth is sickening! 事实是令人作呕!

We don't need to change it, really 我们不需要去改变它,真的

I kind of like it ugly! 我有点喜欢它难看!


The race of the Mother Culture is thickening! 在母国文化的种族增厚!

The rape of the Mother Culture is nearing! 在母国文化的强奸接近!

The face of the Mother Culture is sickening! 在母国文化的脸是令人作呕!

The rape of a Mother is the loving I need 母亲的强奸是慈爱的,我需要

Bleeding now - 1! 2! 3! 4! 现在出血 - 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! 4 !

歌词 A Welcome Burden 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/a-welcome-burden/

歌词 A Welcome Burden 的作者与版权信息:


David Draiman, Steve Kmak, Mike Wengren, Dan Donegan


Mother Culture Publishing, WB Music Corp.