英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Dirty Diamonds 中的所有曲目
专辑 Dirty Diamonds 中的所有曲目:

Dirty Diamonds


类型: album

[English]Woman Of Mass Distraction

[English lyric] I'm a shock-rock romeo I like to leave 'em shattered Oh, I can love 'em and leave 'em It doesn't really matter I never met my match Until I met that lady She hooked me She ...

[中文对照] 我是一个震撼摇滚罗密欧 我喜欢离开他们震碎 呵呵,我可以爱他们,离开他们 这其实并不重要 我从来没有见过我的比赛 直到我遇见了那位女士 她迷上了我 ...


[English lyric] She's an overnight sensation In the mirror on her wall She gets a standing ovation At every shower curtain call And she becomes a pop star In the safety of her car And then she ...

[中文对照] 她是一个通宵的感觉 在她的墙镜 她得到了全场起立鼓掌 在每次淋浴谢幕 她成为一个流行歌星 在她的汽车的安全性 然后,她散花 在卡拉OK酒吧 她是完美的 ...

[English]You Make Me Wonna

[English lyric] You're the star You're the face You got the look that I can't erase You look the world right in the eye Stare 'em down baby, make 'em cry Well I know it don't make much sense ...

[中文对照] 你是明星 你的脸 你得到了的样子,我不能抹去 你看世界就在眼 盯\'时间下来宝贝,让\'时间哭 嗯,我知道它没有太大的意义 我爱上了你的清白 ...

[English]Dirty Diamonds

[English lyric] It looked so good, your perfect plan You had to get greedy to be the man Now you're holding the bag, paying the price Gonna get burned by the heat of the ice Dirty diamonds You ...

[中文对照] 它看起来那么好,你的完美计划 你必须让贪婪是人 现在你拿着袋子,付出的代价 会被冰的热量引火烧身 肮脏的钻石 你掷骰子,你赌你的生活 ...

[English]The Saga Of Jesse Jane

[English lyric] I'm in jail in a Texas town In my sister's wedding gown I drive a truck all night long Listening to Judy Garland songs Now I'm locked behind bars of steel I was just looking ...

[中文对照] 我在监狱里的德州小镇 在我妹妹的结婚礼服 整夜我开的车 听茱蒂嘉兰歌曲 现在,我被锁的背后钢条 我只是在寻找一个开心乐园餐 我园我的装备,我走了进去 ...

[English]Sunset Babies (All Got Rabies)

[English lyric] They're running in packs on a saturday night They got their own bark and they got their own bite Waitin' in line I can't wait no more... No Slip right in, get kicked out the ...

[中文对照] 他们是在一个周六的晚上运行包 他们有自己的树皮,他们得到了他们自己的咬牙 一直等着排队,我不能再等下去了......不 滑权,被踢出后门 我不知道 ...

[English]Pretty Ballerina

[English lyric] I had a date with a pretty ballerina Her hair was so brilliant that it hurt my eyes I asked her for this dance And then she obliged me Was I surprised, yeah Was I surprised, no ...

[中文对照] 我有一个日期与一个漂亮的芭蕾舞演员 她的头发是那么的辉煌,它伤害了我的眼睛 我问她这个舞蹈 然后,她硬要我 被我吃了一惊,是啊 ...

[English]Run Down The Devil

[English lyric] It's twelve o'clock in the mornin' While everybody is sleepin' I want him dead in my head lights Cuz in the shadow he's creepin' Drive on down to lonely street He's always ...

[中文对照] 它是在清晨十二点\' 虽然大家都睡 我想让他在我的脑海灯死 的Cuz的影子,他的情不自禁“ 开车下来寂寞的街道 他总是等候在那里我 ...

[English]Steal That Car

[English lyric] It just ain't fair I was put in that position Somebody left their keys in the ignition I saw the unlocked door and made my decision I just can't help myself Everybody knows I'm ...

[中文对照] 我被放在那个位置,它只是是不公平的 有人留下了他们的钥匙在点火 我看到上锁的门,使我的决定 我不能帮助我自己 大家都知道 我要偷的车 我的口碑节目 ...

[English]Six Hours

[English lyric] There's only six hours Left in the day Time is so precious And it's slipping away Got no destination Got no place to go And being with you Is all that I know Put your head on ...

[中文对照] 这里只有6小时 留在天 时间是如此珍贵 而且它溜走 有没有目标 有没有地方可去 和你是 是一切,我知道 把你的头放在我的枕头 我们终于单独 ...

[English]Your Own Worst Enemy

[English lyric] You're your own worst enemy You're a walking catastrophe You get up every morning on the wrong side of the bed You butter your hand instead of the bread Drink enough coffee to ...

[中文对照] 你是自己最大的敌人 你是一个行走的灾难 你每天早上起床在床上的错边 你的黄油手,而不是面包 喝足够的咖啡把死人唤醒。 你做85和光变红 ...

[English]Zombie Dance

[English lyric] Walkin' through the tombstones Go there everyday Stood damn still I got a chill Someone walked across my grave Stroll across the killing fields In the middle of the night ...

[中文对照] 通过墓碑走着\' 去那里每天 站在该死的我还是有寒意 在我的坟墓有人走 漫步穿过杀戮场 在半夜 在所述火走 在寒冷的月光 黑猫越过我的路径 ...


[English lyric] [Xzibit:] Yeah Stand Up Ha? What do you believe in? Ha? Yeah Stand Up Aha C'mon [Alice:] Just a face in the crowd Feelin' lost, down and out (Can you hear me now) Millions more ...

[中文对照] [ Xzibit的: ] 是啊 起来 哈? 那你相信吗? 哈? 是啊 起来 啊哈 来吧 [爱丽丝: ] 在人群中只是一张脸 感觉\'丢了,穷困潦倒 ...

[English]The Sharpest Point

[English lyric] Hurting me Seems to be Your passion Misery Is certainly Your style I'm like a kid in a candy store I'm on my knees 'til I lick the floor Can't stand to look at your face But ...

[中文对照] 伤害我 似乎是 你的激情 苦难 当然 你的风格 我就像一个糖果店里的孩子 我对我的膝盖,直到我舔地板 不能忍受看着你的脸 但我为你燃烧更多的 尖锐的疼痛 ...