英语人>词典>英汉 : Texas Rangers的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Texas Rangers的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Texas Rangers

Texas Rangers的基本解释


更多网络例句与Texas Rangers相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

President Bush is a former part owner of the Texas Rangers.


I went to a Texas Rangers game in Arlington and wandered into their museum and thought it was very well done.


Well, as long as there are pitching staffs like that of the Texas Rangers, there is always hope.


Bush was one of the owners of the Texas Rangers baseball team.


He also managed the team the first year it moved to Texas and became the Texas Rangers.


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更多网络解释与Texas Rangers相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Texas Rangers:德州遊騎兵

终於轮到[size=3]与金莺系列赛第二战,洋基全力为重返美联东区第1而冲刺,在比赛前半段就帮顶替王建民先发的米崔(Sergio Mitre)取得领[size=3]美国职棒大联盟MLB,德州游骑兵(Texas Rangers)今天以4比2打败波士顿红袜(Boston Red Sox),

Texas Rangers:飆風特警

曾演過<<飆風特警>>(Texas Rangers)的蕾奧娜,在演藝界一直以美豔女星著稱,這次在<<純真11歲>>裡,她改變戲路大膽挑戰一位在戰亂中,獨立撫養子女的單親媽媽角色.

Texas Rangers:德克萨斯巡警

非常小特务 Spy Kids (2001) | 德克萨斯巡警 Texas Rangers (2001) | 巴伦 Baran (2001)

Texas Rangers:德州游侠

Texas 德克萨斯 | Texas Rangers 德州游侠 | Texasville 德州小镇

by Texas Rangers:都屠杀一空吗

of citizens, both white and colored,|把市民们,不管黑人白人 | by Texas Rangers?|都屠杀一空吗? | Is that really what you want as the Sheriff of this county?|作为这个郡的警察局长 这是你想看到的局面吗?

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