英语人>网络例句>近边缘的 相关的搜索结果


与 近边缘的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The source rocks of the former are mainly the well-developed, huge thickness of Neogene marine depression sedimentary rocks and Miocene marine sedimentary rocks; those of the latter are significantly the rift sediments of Paleogene continental facies, and large-scale source rocks of medium-deep lacustrine facies and inshore paludal facies with coal measure strata well-developed.


Sepals usually ovate, apex acuminate, margin entire or nearly so.


Leaves alternate, sessile or subsessile, terete, semiterete, or narrowly complanate, margin entire.


Leaves 1-foliolate, rarely 3-foliolate or simple; petiole usually articulated with base of leaf blade, usually conspicuously winged; leaf blade subleathery to leathery, with dense pellucid fragrant oil dots, margin crenulate or rarely entire.


Leaf blade (1.5-)3.5-17 cm wide, margin crenate, crenulate, dentate, denticulate, or serrate, often repand, seldom subentire to entire.


Perianth throat without a cushionlike appendage, but sometimes with a thin ring formed from by fusion of widened filaments.


Leaves distichous, simple, those toward base of plant usually bladeless and reduced to sheaths; leaf sheath open; ligule usually present; petiole present or not, located between leaf blade and sheath, cushionlike in Zingiber ; leaf blade suborbicular or lanceolate to narrowly strap-shaped, rolled longitudinally in bud, glabrous or hairy, midvein prominent, lateral veins usually numerous, pinnate, parallel, margin entire.


Leaves subleathery, margin serrate, apex sharply acute, abaxially usually glaucous, rarely glaucescent.

叶近革质,边缘有锯齿,锐锐尖的先端,通常有白霜,很少。 6 V。 chunganensis 东南葡萄

Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, petiolate or subsessile; leaf blade flattened, slightly succulent, linear, lanceolate, oblong, ovate, triangular, rhombic, or hastate, margin serrate, rarely entire.


Leaf blade margin coarsely dentate-serrate or crenate to nearly lobulate; corolla adaxial lip 1-3 mm wide, abaxial lip ca. 1 cm, lobes ovate-orbicular or broadly ovate

叶片边缘粗牙齿有锯齿或圆齿到近具小裂片;花冠正面的唇1-3毫米宽,背面的唇约1厘米,裂片卵形圆形或宽卵形 9 Ancylostemon saxatilis 直瓣苣苔

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