英语人>网络例句>越轨 相关的搜索结果


与 越轨 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In general, the deviant subculture has played a role in the moralization and collectivity on crimes.


The implantation of modern market elements brings about the rural graying vicissitudes in the rural society which originally needs order, acted by triple factors—the decrease of high-handed and conventional authority, the impact of market, and the disintegration of rurally endogenetic conformity forces.


And as to what He doth surpassing human understanding, we will not curiously inquire into it further than our capacity will admit of; but with the greatest humility and reverence adore the righteous judgments of God which are hid from us, contenting ourselves that we are disciples of Christ, to learn only those things which He has revealed to us in His Word without transgressing these limits.

至於是什麼,他doth超越人与人之间的相互谅解,我们将不会好奇地询问,然后再超过我们的能力也会承认的,但以最大的谦卑和敬畏崇尚正义的判决上帝是躲在我们, contenting自己,我们都是弟子基督的,并且从中学习,只有那些事情,他启示我们,在他所说的话,没有越轨的这些限度之内。

One step out of line and a journalist's career is washed up.


One step out of line and a journalist's career is wash ed up.


They are sundered by a bodily shame so steadfast that the criminal annals of the world, stained with all other incests and bestialities, hardly record its breach.


Journalists and Internet publishers often discover that they have crossed the line only after their online presence is blocked, their bylines are blacklisted or they are detained or summoned to "tea" with government security officers who deliver coy but unmistakable warnings.


Though he chastens their transgressions, his faithfulness does not fail.


Several kinds of sociological theories of delinquencies are referred to when selecting the explaining variables of this study.


The bottles are refilled with dear champagne from another disgorged bottle, and the product is ready for final packaging and labeling .


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In her eyes, because that is the doorway toher heart * the place where love resides.


I will send some postcards to you.


Of aesthetics and the definiteness of its content and leads to its immaturity and decline .
