英语人>网络例句>警钟 相关的搜索结果


与 警钟 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The illuminated village had seized hold of the tocsin, and, abolishing the lawful ringer, rang for joy.


If he has a battle to fight, let him fight it faithfully; but woe betide him if he skulks when his name is called in the mighty muster-roll; woe betide him if he hides in the tents when the tocsin summons him to the scene of war!


Bush. Jimmy Carter richly deserved his belated prize—he is as responsible as were Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin for the thirty years' peace between Israel and Egypt—and Al Gore, who sounded the tocsin on climate change, deserved his.


This "ultraliberal legislation", said the foreign media, had set alarm bells ringing across Europe.


In frence we leave unmolested those who set fire to the house, and persecute those who sound the alarm.


While the company's financial reports were improving, a number of vehicle recalls signalled that its famed quality was slipping, and Mr. Toyoda began to sound the warning bell. On Dec. 2, 2005, the end of the year when Mr. Okuda's 10-year vision was coming to fruition, Mr. Toyoda gave an unpublicized, internal speech questioning the new direction.


Toyoda gave an unpublicized, internal speech questioning the new direction.


Now, let's upend another piece of conventional wisdom. China's success isn't because it became "more like us" in adopting liberal market reforms. Rather, China's transformation is a wake-up call that we have to become more like them.


There was a note in her voice which vibrated keenly.


I think this is a wake-up call of the natural world.


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At the rear was an innovative combination transaxle with the gearbox, clutch, differential, and inboard-mounted drum brakes.


For more people can apprecaite and have the master work, there is reproduction painting appears in the market, the large various selection of paint,the high saturation of color plus the plentiful sfumato, to make the reproduction perfect copy and detail as original painting, so as to meet the requirment of amateurs who love art paintings,they do not need to pay high price to get classical paintings.


I hope you can acquire blessedness...
