英语人>网络例句>民众的 相关的搜索结果


与 民众的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is it time now for our entertainment and media to lend themselves finally as they ought to, to serve as constructive tools to ingrain in the heart and soul of the masses that wastefulness and cancerous consumerism triggered by Capitalism's at times over-excessive advertizement system of induced materialism will need to be curbed within the limits and boundaries befitting of the station of humanity and conducive to a balanced and equitable system of wealth creation and sustainable world development.


Is it time now for our entertainment and media tolend themselves finally as they ought to, to serve as constructivetools to ingrain in the heart and soul of the masses thatwastefulness and cancerous consumerism triggered byCapitalism ' s at times over-excessive advertizement system ofinduced materialism will need to be curbed within the limits andboundaries befitting of the station of humanity and conducive to abalanced and equitable system of wealth creation and sustainableworld development.


Nowadays, it is essential for us to reconstruct the standpoint of intellectuals, to emphasize the importance of humanitarianism in understratum narration. Thus we can observe common people of the understratum with a horizontal angle of view, and reveal the spirit of the understratum to the inner sides of human nature and individual value in many aspects, reflecting the reality, ideas, and spirit of the understratum and the contemporaries as well. The aim is to safeguard the spiritual belief of the understratum, and to make humanitarianism the spiritual sustentation of the understratum narration.


After all, population under sub health condition is much larger than those suffering from ailment.More attention to relieving the economic burden on medical care is greatly urged.1 In reality, the percentage of the families failing to afford the exorbitant prices is on the increase.2 In terms of democracies, government can never escape the responsibility for its people's right of subsistence.3 Taking the effect into consideration, investment on the medical treatment serves as the most efficient means to alleviate people's physical and mental torture.Statistics concerning deficiencies of government's function unshakably suggest the heightened demand of more investment on medical treatment.


California Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey , who is scheduled to appear at Saturday's rally, said the president's new plan shows he's not listening to the American people even though they made their opinions clear in November's congressional elections.

加利福尼亚国会议员 Lynn Woolsey 按照原定计划将出席周六的集会,她表示,总统的新计划表现出他没有听取美国民众的意见,及时民众在11月的国会选举中将他们的想法表述得十分清楚。

It offers a unique and simple scheme to address hunger in the developing world, and obesity and other life-style-related pathologies in the developed world.


Resolute princes of the folk, and governors with their staves; Authors skilled in composition, and forgers of epigrams with their spikes


Second, much of the blame for the wretched response to the hurricane belonged to Democrats: Louisiana's dithering governor, Kathleen Blanco, and the mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, who let school buses that could have been used to evacuate people sit idle until they were half-submerged.


Yes, the separation of painting from masses has an issue seriously neglected at present. Maybe the very reason is that there is not a gradual-changing and continuous course, which leads to the separation of art from masses. Not only the masses but also many professors would be at a loss in face of tachisme. Now, almost nobody is involved in such a kind of work.


The BIE Conention regulates that the world eposition is an ehibition sering as a tool to educate the public The world needs the world eposition because it is designed to educate the public and it has played a significance role in the history Participated in by countries, international organizations, enterprises, media organizations and people from across the globe, the world eposition ehibit in a joyous and innoatie way the latest technologies and progresses and guide the public to imagine a better future, thus effectiely disseminate its concepts and educate the public


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
