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与 卡瓦拉 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And then, there are the slogans - sayings from Castro and from Che Guevara printed on walls and placards across the country.


Justina of Padua. In Italy the chief groups had their centres at Cluse in Piedmont, at Fonte Avellana, which united to the Camaldolese congregation in 1569, La Cava, which joined the congregation of St. Justina in the fifteenth century, and Sasso-Vivo, which was suppressed as a separate federation in the same century and its forty houses united to other congregations of the Benedictine family.

在意大利的主要群体有其中心Cluse在皮埃蒙特,在丰特Avellana ,其中美国的Camaldolese聚集在1569年,拉卡瓦,其中加入了教会的圣太在15世纪,和萨索体内,这是抑制作为一个单独的联合会在同一世纪,其第四十四房屋统一到其他教区的本笃家庭。

Founded in New York City in 1875 by Helena Blavatsky of Russia, it had as its original inspiration Kabbala, Gnosticism, and other forms of Western occultism.


The USSR was given Karelian Isthmus with cities of Vyborg and Sortavala located on it.


Leading a team of researchers from the University of Sydney, Professor Ramzan spent one year investigating the cellular effects of kava on the liver.


Korda's portrait of Che Guevara; the naked, wailing Vietnamese girl photographed by Nick Ut as she fled a napalm attack; the sailor kissing the nurse on V-J Day in Times Square in 1945 by Alfred Eisenstaedt — all were snapped with Leicas.


But Carmen Ramirez Boscan of the Wayuu People of Colombia remains mistrustful.


The Chinese monarch neither neglected the message as Heraclius did, nor insulted the envoys after the fashion of the parricide Kavadh


In addition to spending time with President Calderon and Mrs. Zavala at Los Pinos, the First Lady will visit a primary and secondary school, deliver remarks at a Mexico City university and meet with a group of young Mexican leaders.


His supposed relics are the object of official veneration. In 1997, when Cuba was reeling from the collapse of its Soviet ally, Mr Castro organised the excavation of Guevara's skeleton in Bolivia and its reburial in a mausoleum in Cuba.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
