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与 倾向于... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to Grotius, therefore,it is doubtful whether humanity belongs to a hundred men,or whether these hundred men belong to humanity, though he seems throughtout his book to lean to the first of these views, which is also that of Hobbes.


Some are good-tempered, sluggish, and little prone to ferocity, as the ox; others are quick tempered, ferocious and unteachable, as the wild boar; some are intelligent and timid, as the stag and the hare; others are mean and treacherous, as the snake; others are noble and courageous and high-bred, as the lion; others are thorough-bred and wild and treacherous, as the wolf: for, by the way, an animal is highbred if it come from a noble stock, and an animal is thorough-bred if it does not deflect from its racial characteristics.


To these that sober Race of Men, whose lives Religious titl'd them the Sons of God, Shall yield up all thir vertue, all thir fame Ignobly, to the traines and to the smiles Of these fair Atheists, and now swim in joy, [ 625 ] and laugh; for which The world erelong a world of tears must weepe.


For example, the tendency to directness or indirectness to achieve communicative goals is a difference in communicative strategy between English speaking countries and East Asian countries.


A major difficulty in using existing ethnographic data to test DIT is that, due to cultural anthropology's assumption of culture as a superorganic entity, ethnographic data tends to ignore individual and intragroup cultural variation and focus almost entirely on intergroup variation.


Because of detection limit the gold particles are not found independently in pyrite scheelite quartz and other minerals. So it is believed that submicroscopic gold are occurred in gold-bearing minerals as micro-inclusions or isomorphous atoms.


In China's rise, Jacques tends to see menace, albeit of a cultural rather than a militaristic nature.


The personality characteristic of judicial polices tended to extroversion, the male did to emotional irritability, mental health conditions were generally poorer and related to psychotisim and nervosity features; the results of the EPQ, SCL 90 and SRHMS could be used as norm for judicial polices in Beijing.


After data analysis, the author concludes that the Chinese EFL learners more frequently employed the nonagreement strategy no matter it is in the context of Chinese or English.


However, Pichon Baron is easier to drink but not as powerful as Chateau Latour, fruitier, balancing with the soil-giving strong structure.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
