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与 sailing 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The vessel was sailing to the unloading port at full tilt.


But the connection between these sailing terms or the name of the fish and our word ballyhoo, first recorded in 1901, has not been established.

但这些与航海有关的词或鱼类名称的词与我们所使用的、首次记载于1901年的一词ballyhoo 之间尚未建立联系。

The foreigners had been put on a barque sailing to nizhny , and rastoptchin had said to them : keep yourselves to yourselves , get into the barque , and take care it does not become the barque of charon to you .

barque et nen faites pas une barque de charon 人们讲起所有的机关都迁出了莫斯科时,立刻提起串串的玩笑,说是因为这一点莫斯科应当感谢拿破仑。

Another expression linked to sailing is batten down the hatches.

另一个有关航海的词语是 batten down the hatches 。

Chun Can you like, and silking complaint or regret, only for the benefit of the world bear the cocoon; you like an umbrella, duty-bound to be rain Dashi, only for the protection of millions of your well-protected by the Tao Li; you like Chuanjiang, and willingly To assist sailing, Chuanke only lead to a better distance, high teacher, and perhaps you do not know its own subtle magic, but in my mind long ago left a Thanksgiving excitement, you may not be your wing So warm, high teacher, I thank you in the last semester of my education is precisely because you are well taught, I know a lot of truth in life.


Most people believe that in all those big business enterprises of his he must have been quite sailing close to the wind before the crash came.


Once she escaped that, though, when she bested Kelly Fisher 9-7, it was smooth sailing.


The family moves first to Switzerland, then slowly across Europe towards Bilbao, before sailing to America.


The ship was sailing through the billow s of the atlantic.


As to the steamers sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services.

从香港到旧金山有直达船,但是bimonthly 究竟是一个月两次即半月一次呢,还是两个月一次不明确。

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Sailing Seas
Sailing To Philadelphia
Clear Sailing
Sailing Solo
Sailing Nights
Sailing To Nowhere

May Fod bless us all.


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