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If you're in an aerobatics airplane or you're doing aerial-combat maneuvers in a jet fighter or you're sailing a boat in an important race, you really don't think about the problems back at the office.
A two - mast ed fore - and - aft - rigged sailing vessel similar to the ketch but having a smaller jigger mast stepped abaft the rudder.
A tall chimney A two - mast ed fore - and - aft - rigged sailing vessel similar to the ketch but having a smaller jigger mast stepped abaft the rudder.
Nautical The tack of a sailing vessel with the wind abeam.
Sailing first became an Olympic sport in Paris in 1900, where time handicaps were used to adjudicate the race.
All Sandhurst officer candidates have to take part in an adventurist training course, be it scuba diving,sailing or rock climbing.
We have booked to go on a sailing holiday in the Aegean .
Take a dip in our heated, fresh water pool, or head out on a windsurfing, para-sailing, jet skiing or sailing expedition right from the hotel beach.
Chinese envoys had been sailing through the Indian Ocean to India since the 2nd century BC, yet it was during the Tang Dynasty that a strong Chinese maritime presence could be found in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea, into Persia, Mesopotamia (sailing up the Euphrates River in modern-day Iraq), Arabia, Egypt, Aksum, and Somalia in East Africa.
SAILING SOLO \ 单人帆船赛 Single-hulled boats set sail in an event before the Solitaire du Figaro individual sailing race off Lorient, France, Tuesday.
周二在法国洛里昂附近海域,参加Solitaire du Figaro单人帆船赛的选手们进行准备活动。
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- 推荐网络例句
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